Fahrenheit 9/11

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so I take it you dont like Micheal Moore then? guess he cant be liked by everybody, but personally I like him. Hes cool cuz hes showing the truth about bush and all that. did you see Bowling for Columbine, I loved that movie, it was o good. I loved the first part where he walks into the bank and gets a rifle. thats so funny. Only in america lol( and maybe some middle east countries)
Putting "truth" and "Moore" in the same sentence, without a negation of some kind between them, can be a sign of one or more things about the person making the claim.

None of them are particularly complementary of the claimant.

Very partial list of inaccuracies in "Bowling for Columbine".

Oh, and the bank scene in "Bowling"? It was set up by the bank and Moore beforehand, and deviated from the policy for the bank's offer; even then, Moore neglected to include little details like the applicant having to give a metric butt-tonne of identifying information when applying, as well as the bank doing a complete background check before the applicant gets the weapon, which by the way is done at a nearby gun shop, not at the bank as depicted in BfC.

But I suppose the truth is a rather trivial detail when one has a political axe to grind.
Michael Moore isn't too bad I think. His movies are entertaining to me and he occasionally makes a good point. Occasionally. The problem with him I think, is just that he's simply the other extreme. He takes things out of context no less than the people that he's always bashing. And so it's important to keep that in mind I think when you're watching his movies. Also, I don't think anyone should take him too seriously. I mean, does anyone take Marilyn Manson that seriously? Do you really think when Marilyn Manson is at home he wears lots of make up and acts like a fruit and screams? No, he probably just watches tv and is really out of shape. Where was I going with this?
I saw about two seconds of footage of the movie, and heard the basic premise of what it's about, and realized that this person is most likely just another jerk who thinks that his opinion means something.

It bothers me when an actor, writer, producer, etc gets a few movies under their belt and suddenly decides it's their job to preach against whatever. Kevin Costner ring a bell?

Then again, I think that hippies should be used as an alternative to firewood.
overmortal said:
I saw about two seconds of footage of the movie, and heard the basic premise of what it's about, and realized that this person is most likely just another jerk who thinks that his opinion means something.

It bothers me when an actor, writer, producer, etc gets a few movies under their belt and suddenly decides it's their job to preach against whatever. Kevin Costner ring a bell?

Then again, I think that hippies should be used as an alternative to firewood.

Michael Moore first off isnt a hippy, a hippy would be a member of the peace movement of the mid and late 60s (or someone who shares the views thereof) advocating basically equality for all mankind, civil liberties for everyone to be respected without people pushing their own beliefs on others.

Michael Moore isntsomeone who decided it was his job to preach after getting a movie under his belt, his entire career is making political movies, he is basically to the left what Drug Limbaugh is to the right
overmortal said:
I saw about two seconds of footage of the movie, and heard the basic premise of what it's about, and realized that this person is most likely just another jerk who thinks that his opinion means something.

It bothers me when an actor, writer, producer, etc gets a few movies under their belt and suddenly decides it's their job to preach against whatever. Kevin Costner ring a bell?

Then again, I think that hippies should be used as an alternative to firewood.

And aren't we all kind of jerks who think are opinions actually matter? At least he goes beyond merely posting them on the internet. I'll watch the movie. But I'm just gonna try to download it like I did his last one. Don't tell anyone by the way.
Michael Moore is just another stupid liberal screaming against Bush. Instead of screaming at Bush, why doesn't he move his fatass as lose some of that weight?
Straggler said:
why doesn't he move his fatass as lose some of that weight?

Why don't you leave and come back once your brain can formulate a decent point instead of petty personal insults about what the guy looks like?
"8.School shootings are a major problem.
• Three times as many people die from being struck by lightning."

I'm sorry, but this is stupid.
Here, let's try one on-topic:

When you make something purporting to be a documentary, GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, doing otherwise is a violation of the public trust nearly as aggrievous as a major politician point-black lying to the public. I am not referring to any president in particular here, so don't start, I'm not interested in a debate.
Shooter said:
"8.School shootings are a major problem. / Three times as many people die from being struck by lightning."

I'm sorry, but this is stupid.

Let's try one:
He's speaking statistically, as can be inferred from the previous several points he's made.

That should have been spelled out more explicitly, however, as this is a rather inflamatory statement, I agree. On a conceptual level, yes, school shootings are very concerning. Numbers-wise ONLY, as a percentage of, say, child deaths or homicides, the percentage is extremely low, barely noticeable. But again, conceptually, they are far more concerning than, say, crime taking someone out, though that is more common.
There is no one I'd like to see die more than Bush, on the other hand, Michael Moore is a huge jackass with an anti-Bush agenda. if I wanted to see a leftist documentary I'd watch a nazi film, because at least what's potrayed in there is nazism and not someone trying to paint someone as a nazi

Why would you like to see Bush die? I thought your side of the political spectrum was all love, peace, nature and beauty etc. I guess that's O.K. though. We got the guns. ;)
my end of the spectrum, that is remarkably immature, as I am not a leftist hippie.
My problem with bush is he thinks it's his responsibility to inflict his beliefs on the world.

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