Error in UE mission

Wait... the Kilrathi ships? I thought they had Human wording in them too... oh, hang on a sec, I remember the autopilot light being in Kilrathi, but not much else. Must... avoid... playing UE again before exams are over...
Including the numbers for the speed readout? I think I must have been paying too much attention on just trying to steer the Gratha instead of looking at all the pretty dials.
Nah, velocity and things like that are in English. They would have been in Kilrathi, had it been possible, but it ain't :p.

As for the Nephilim cockpit, it's not really supposed to be flyable - it's supposed to look different, that's all. The sim missions aren't really the reason why I made it, anyway.
Completely different in that there's nothing there! :/ It wouldn't make sense to fly a Nephilim ship in the main missions anyway... unless you managed to capture a live one. Hmm...
Actually if you could have made the speed dials in kilrathi I wouldn't have let you, we're assuming the border worlders made some quick modifications
No, I knew that. I just thought it'd be funny that Pedro would veto your design modifications just like that. So :p back.
Another slight glitch...

I'm going to try this mission again to see if I reproduce the error, but on 8b (To Beg for Help or some title like that) I don't get clearance after I clear out the lovely menagerie of bugs that have coalesced around the Dauntless. No idea if this was just an isolated glitch that won't reoccur but I'll check it again and let you know what happens... (and I was only losing because I CHOSE to lose :p)
I think I've figured what was probably causing the hang. Seems like the game didn't want to display the password that you guys built into the in-flight portion of the mission. Would seem that it doesn't always want to work every time. *shrug* It hasn't done it again yet but we shall see...
Will do Quarty-McFarty :p;)


And a small addition to this post. I keep meaning to mention this to you all, but can you fix the shield bounding on the Zu'Baka and the Dauntless? I constantly end up shooting at nearby bugs and for some odd reason the Dauntless has shields floating out in the middle of nowheresville that I hit instead or run into and eventually I get called a traitor for shooting empty space and am turned on and of course can't finish the mission which makes me frustrated and causes me to tramp around the house randomly knocking over expensive vases to the floor which I later have to clean up and take to a garbage disposal center because I don't have pickup around here and then I have to fill up my gas tank because it turns out I'm out of gas and my world comes to and end when I am stranded because I don't have any money with me and I can't pay for said gas! *gasps for breath* So anyway, yeah could you all fix the shield bounding on the models? Thanks! :D
It's not their fault Prophecy capship collision trees suck, and/or aren't completely understood :(
Yeah, what TC said. We know all about the problems with the collision trees, but we don't know what can be done about them.