Enterprise - In A Mirror, Darkly

Viper61 said:
Enterprise has definitely evolved into a wonderful Star Trek series. Took TNG ~ 3 seasons to finally get things rolling well, but took Enterprise ~ 4. Its really too bad we won't get to see what they could have done with it given a full run.
I agree this is what Enterprise should have been like from the beginning. But although the plots were a bit weak in the beginning (not as weak as in TNG season 1), the acting was great from the start as opposed to the acting in the first seasons of DS9 & TNG. I really loved s3 though with season long arc.
A lot of people didn't give it a chance because:
- it didn't look like the Star Trek they were used to (no federation yet,...)
- the last ST movie was REALLY crap, they lost a lot of potential viewers there.
And the people at the head of Paramount didn't advertise the series enough & gave it a lousy timeslot (a lot of people weren't even able to watch it until recently, when it was too late)
The sad thing is that Enterprise would have been able to continue & be a lot more succesful on the Sci-fi Channel than on UPN, but, of course, they much rather keep the franchise & bury "Enterprise"

If you 've seen the new Battlestar Galactica, it's not bad, but not nearly as good as Enterprise, but they have a lot more viewers. Why? Because they're on the Sci-fi channel (good advertising, good timeslots)
End of rant ...
Confed said:
- the last ST movie was REALLY crap, they lost a lot of potential viewers there.
It's funny how, the further away in time we get from Nemesis, the more people seem to hate it. Back when it first came out, I distinctly recall most people seemed to think that as far as recent ST movies go, this was a pretty good one. Some even compared it to The Wrath of Khan. And now, two or three years onwards, turns out it was in fact really crap? I don't get it :confused:.
Quarto said:
It's funny how, the further away in time we get from Nemesis, the more people seem to hate it. Back when it first came out, I distinctly recall most people seemed to think that as far as recent ST movies go, this was a pretty good one. Some even compared it to The Wrath of Khan. And now, two or three years onwards, turns out it was in fact really crap? I don't get it :confused:.

I always thought it was decent, but it made less money than Star Trek 5 (and had more than twice the budget). It did the worst of all ten movies. I thought it was a lot better than Insurrection, but it didn't do as well.
Quarto said:
It's funny how, the further away in time we get from Nemesis, the more people seem to hate it. Back when it first came out, I distinctly recall most people seemed to think that as far as recent ST movies go, this was a pretty good one. Some even compared it to The Wrath of Khan. And now, two or three years onwards, turns out it was in fact really crap? I don't get it :confused:.
I had the impression that it was hated from the get-go. I didn't even watch it in the theaters because of the awful trailer and reviews by other fans. Even on DVD I waited a long time till I got around watching it. And what can I say? I wasn't impressed.
I found Nemesis to be a lot more fun than the recent Trek movies, it had all the elements to truly bring Trek into the mainstream... the problems occur once people start pointing out plot holes of which there are MANY.

When you're first in the theatre you're just sitting back enjoying the ride, because it isn't your usual trek, it isn't intelligent... but it is fun. I think its lack of success goes to show how dependent Star Trek was/is on its hardcore fans.
Not being a true trekkie I can enjoy Nemesis, but, sadly I wasn't a big enough fan to sit through the first couple of seasons of Enterprise to get to the good stuff (and the later episodes I did tune into did seem like high quality viewing so thats something of a shame).
What a great episode. Loved the alternative title sequence too. I just wish I knew I had to brush up on TOS beforehand.
Quarto said:
It's funny how, the further away in time we get from Nemesis, the more people seem to hate it. Back when it first came out, I distinctly recall most people seemed to think that as far as recent ST movies go, this was a pretty good one. Some even compared it to The Wrath of Khan. And now, two or three years onwards, turns out it was in fact really crap? I don't get it :confused:.

Everyone compared it to the Wrath of Kahn because it was very, very obviously trying to be Wrath of Kahn - not because it was *good*.

(Here's my comments on Nemesis made when it came out - http://www.livejournal.com/users/banditloaf/36984.html ... I still feel pretty much the same way.)
ChrisReid said:
Other Star Trek series have gone back to perfectly recreated Constitution Class cruisers like that though. You don't have to explain why the look was "retro" from our external point of view, but if you go in and start changing things, then you've created a problem. First it starts with video displays, then uniforms, then the exterior hull plating and quite quickly you have lost the whole point of bringing in a ship from that era. The people who are going to appreciate an episode like this want it to be as close to the original as possible. I went back and watched The Tholian Web just prior to In A Mirror, Darkly, and it was great. The positioning of the dead bodies on the bridge was exactly how Spock, Chekov, McCoy and Kirk left them hours (36 years) prior. McCoy told Kirk the captain's neck had been broken.. the same line T'Pol said to Archer. I'm freakin ecstatic about these incredible continuity links and attention to detail, and I'd almost feel betrayed if they started jazzing up the control panels and whatnot.

yup i know, I said i understood why they had to do it that way. Some more modern readouts on the televisions was just something I would of liked to have seen.
Conrad said:
yup i know, I said i understood why they had to do it that way. Some more modern readouts on the televisions was just something I would of liked to have seen.
Who is to say what's modern?
I agree with Chris, the original is da best. However, the DS9 episodes were always quite fun. Who could love Kira and Dax kissing? :)
The DS9 mirror universe episodes started out strong and got bad.

Resurrection and The Emperor's New Cloak are some of the series' weakest episodes. I'm also pretty surprised that nobody ever got incredibly offended by the fact that you could recognize that it was the evil universe because the women were all gay.
I think they were at least Bisexual, but I see your point

Kira did have an eye for the blokes aswell as the ladies

I'm not sure if the mirror Jadzia was gay or Bisexual. We only see her with Sisko
The episode was good enough that I have watched it four times already and have it in my favorite episodes list right along with Stigma, Catwalk and Silent enemy. Anyone who likes trek can appriciate this episode.
