Encountered the new drone models yet?


Has anyone gotten far enough to encounter the new drone models. Those are quite a work of art.. just want to know if they look appropriate on all systems and see if the campaign loads them properly
Since the beta-testing is on to the masses, I have a spreadsheet to finish for you guys.

Then I should get back to the video stuff and see if I can shrink the size and make it look good at the same time.

I've just been having too much fun
oooh does this include the quantity of cargo at the bases? we actually have a spreadsheet with the prices of cargo at bases...but not about quantity

this information would be highly useful
Quantity can be done, but I'll need to play the original tomorrow to get the data. The good thing is if I start the spreadsheet first, I won't have to do it manually. Your figures trail off hard and fast, but the real game does that some too. I'll try for one of each type of base. That way you'll get a feel for what they have. What I usually do is take one of everything around in my Tarsus and offer to sell but decline to get prices. Then I reload for a new day and look at what they have all over again five to ten times.

I'll work it out and give you a spread of high and low.
Thank you--sounds like a pain of work--but we will use it...I promise you that.
Cus right now the cargo trading is just a bit off kilter
Give me tomorrow to play the original and I'll build the data sheet. Then I'll get it to you. If you have a list of bases you want me to hit get it to me via e-mail or something. Try to keep it down in number. One or two of each type of base and where you want them sampled from. Quadrant matters. Do you want it from RF or Priv?
go for:
Perry, New Const, New Detroit, Achilles, Helen, Jolson, Oxford, Rygannon mining base, Pentonville, Drake, Perry's Refinery, New Caledonia, Telar (is that a pirate mining base or pirate refinery... do you click at the END of the long hallway to get to the launch pad in a pirate base?)

And any types that I missed :-)
Okay there's today's "Work" Play old game and visit each of those for a number spread, writing down the quantities and values in a spreadsheet. I'll make one up and run with it.

At a pirate base you click at the END of the hall, not the bottom of the screen. Pentonville had me wondering how to get out at first.

Wish I could get a paying job like this. LOL
1) Achilles 2) Anapolis 3) Basque
4) Basra 5) Beaconsfield 6) Bodensee
7) Burton 8) Charon 9) Drake
10) Edinburgh 11) Edom 12) Elysia
13) Erewhon 14) Glasgow 15) Gracchus
16) Hector 17) Heimdel 18) Helen
19) Jolson 20) Joplin 21) Kronecker
22) Lisacc 23) Liverpool 24) Macabee
25) Magdaline 26) Matahari 27) Meadow
28) Megiddo 29) Mjolnar 30) Munchen
31) N1912-1 32) New Constantinople 33) New Detroit
34) New Iberia 35) New Reno 36) Nitir
37) Oakham 38) Olympus 39) Oresville
40) Oxford 41) Palan 42) Perry Naval Bas
43) Remus 44) Rilke 45) Rodin
46) Romulus 47) Rygannon 48) Saratov
49) Siva 50) Smallville 51) Speke
52) Surtur 53) Thisbury 54) Trinsic
55) Tuck's 56) Valkyrie 57) Victoria
58) Vishnu 59) Wickerton 60) Derelict Base
Using PrEdit.exe Here's where I can "Pop up"

I'll have to "visit" several bases first to get a full load of cargo for "trade" first, though

I'll have the numers in a few hours. This will take a bit of time
Progress Report

I'm Halfway done my trip across the galexy, I intend to hit each base, mine, facility, planet, etc. . .once. Then I'll hit your list hard. This way I hope to garner a FULL rollout of cargo and the random appearances of whatever along with the associated high and low prices of everything.

Well. . .back to work.
Progress Report on the Commodities

Iceman16 said:
you do know that Wedges site has the high-low prices of every item on every base in Gemini, right?

The prices aren't so much the issue as the QUANTITIES and their locations.

Since I have to get high / low quantities on various worlds, installations and bases the list for prices at that site doesn't work.

Some things are out of line in the remake that need to be straightened out.

You shouldn't be able to BUY some things in some places.
You shouldn't be able to SELL some things in some places.
You should get more for some things you sell in some places.
And so on.

Thanks for the note, though. It was greatly appreciated.

@HellcatV & MamiyaOtaru
The trip around the galaxy is complete, now on to getting the highs and lows based on a "Ten Day" or "Ten Visit" purchase cycle. It should be just a few hours more. I promise, before I walk away from this thing for the day, you'll have your spreadsheets. One sheet for the 60 base/installation/world visit and then one for your list. Your list will take longer as it will entail more visits and an indepth survey. If you want me to leave the pricing alone, ay so. Otherwise, I'll go through my sales list of something like 30 commodities ten times at each base. I'll have to travel to see if the last one you listed is there, HellcatV.

I need a Cuppa. Twisted soon.

Wendy said:
You shouldn't be able to BUY some things in some places.
You shouldn't be able to SELL some things in some places.
I agree on not being able to buy something in certain places, but I would think you should always be able to sell it, albeit at a severly reduced price. We're supposed to be flying around in a sector populated by unsavory characters and less often policed than some would like. Thus, there's always someone to buy. :)

Just look at Ebay for a real life example...
Who, me?

hellcatv said:
You're amazing Wendy :-)
this will make our work in inserting these values for 1.0 possible

Nah, I'm just Wendy, BUT. . .I love the game. That's what makes the difference, I guess.

I have a little problem. I can't remember which systems most of the bases are in. I have the names, but I can't tell for sure what kind of base something is.

Mining Facilities are pretty easy to tell.
Agricultural Planets are easy to tell.
Pirate installations are easy to tell.
- - - But what KIND of Pirate base?
Refineries & Industrial I can't distinguish either.
New Detroit is easy. But the rest? I really don't want to have to launch and land at each installation.


Here's the list I'm working from. I copied it directly out of PrEdit.

1) Achilles 2) Anapolis 3) Basque
4) Basra 5) Beaconsfield 6) Bodensee
7) Burton 8) Charon 9) Drake
10) Edinburgh 11) Edom 12) Elysia
13) Erewhon 14) Glasgow 15) Gracchus
16) Hector 17) Heimdel 18) Helen
19) Jolson 20) Joplin 21) Kronecker
22) Lisacc 23) Liverpool 24) Macabee
25) Magdaline 26) Matahari 27) Meadow
28) Megiddo 29) Mjolnar 30) Munchen
31) N1912-1 32) New Constantinople 33) New Detroit
34) New Iberia 35) New Reno 36) Nitir
37) Oakham 38) Olympus 39) Oresville
40) Oxford 41) Palan 42) Perry Naval Bas
43) Remus 44) Rilke 45) Rodin
46) Romulus 47) Rygannon 48) Saratov
49) Siva 50) Smallville 51) Speke
52) Surtur 53) Thisbury 54) Trinsic
55) Tuck's 56) Valkyrie 57) Victoria
58) Vishnu 59) Wickerton 60) Derelict Base

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
if you open up privateer remake you can check out sectors/Gemini/*.system
look for <unit name="Muenchen" type="refinery" .../>
stuff like that :-)
JKeefe said:
I agree on not being able to buy something in certain places, but I would think you should always be able to sell it, albeit at a severly reduced price. We're supposed to be flying around in a sector populated by unsavory characters and less often policed than some would like. Thus, there's always someone to buy. :)

Just look at Ebay for a real life example...

I kinda agree, and I kinda don't. I mean, Why would an Ag. Planet buy mining Equipment? But you can sell it there.
Wendy said:
I kinda agree, and I kinda don't. I mean, Why would an Ag. Planet buy mining Equipment? But you can sell it there.
Maybe some large mining equipment distribution company has a warehouse there. Or maybe the captains of large ships don't like to fly through asteroids to drop off mining equipment at mining bases, and drop it at nearby Ag worlds from where some smaller ship takes it to the mining base.. dunno. There's always the possibilityof middlemen in a supply chain of some sort.

Unrelated rambling: In the original you couldn't sell contraband at Perry. I find that rather strange. Soldiers never want a little tobacco? And why can you sell it at New Detroit? Surely it doesn't happen out in the open, it happens in private. It would be the same on Perry. Maybe it's just too hard to find a back-alley on Perry ;)