Dralthi - Drakhri, Salthi - Sartha, Jalthi - Jalkehi

Originally posted by Antman
I said Jalthi - Jalkehi. And what about the Dralthi - Drakhri, hmm?

There is no physical resemblance between the Jalthi and the Jalkehi. The Jalthi is wide and flat, while the Jalkehi is long and thin. They are two completely different fighters.

As for the Dralthi-Drakhri, they are both medium fighters, with semi-circular wings. Other than that, no resemblance.

If you take a look at the Kilrathi forces, they seem to have one basic configuration for lights and mediums, and two configurations for heavies.

Lights: forward-swept wings, short fuselage

Mediums: semi-circular wings, short fuselage

Heavies: long and narrow, wide and flat

This does not make any fighter with a similar name the same fighter as its predecessor, it just means it has a similar naming convention, within particular Kilrathi fighter design conventions.
Or they might not have naming conventions. The ships might just *happen* to be named things that sound similar.

Hmm... With the confed intel thing it seemed like you were asking if anyone knew. I don't believe anyone does, so I said such

ya also forgot that since the names we know are most likely confed codenames, maybe we should yell at confed intell for being unoriginal not the cats
Originally posted by Antman
Oh, and the Privateer Kilrathi models for Salthi and Dralthi are aso what was used in Super Wing Commander.

Most of the fighter models were used, but the CapShips i've never seen them on the net. Can someone with a Mac version make some screenshots ?
Originally posted by Wedge009
Why not think logically and say this is just what the game designers wanted to call them at that point in time, ie 1991. Whether or not they'd be making any more sequels was not guaranteed, so they just named the ships according to what they thought worked best.

That's exactly my point, I think we ought to think in terms of game programming, and not historical cohesion...