
ChrisReid said:
Yeah, Hades left a permanent mark in the Bathtub with that big knife Tye's wielding.

Tye spent half an hour today removing the nick in the blade that Hades left on it whilst leaving a permanent mark in the tub with that big knife that Tye's wielding.

It's probably good he used this thing rather than the hammer.
Cpl Hades said:
Hehe.. umm, sorry.
Yeah man, but you have nothing on me. Remember when I executed that whole family by hurling a barrage of sharpened CDs down to the lobby level from the 22 floor and got us all banned from the United States for eternity?

Oh wait that didn't actually happen. Except for in Death's mind. It probably happened there.

Also, D*C is less far from Pennsylvania than it is from me. Or basically everyone else also. Except Death. He likes Dragon*Con so much that he moved to the South just so the drive would be shorter.
Atlanta? Really? I thought it was in LA. I guess you guys must have forgotten to mention where DragonCon was.
Me and Tye really hope you're joking. :( We both mention it's in Atlanta like fifty times a day.
Wedge009 said:
Hey, did you guys do the whole "Slaughter WC-clones" thing again this year?

Yep. Burned like 3 and a half rolls 24-shot film to document the carnage, including some shots of me giving a "review" of E&B taken by Tye, with my camera.

The pics I took won't be ready till next week, unfortunately, as I have to send them off to a professional photo lab to have photo CDs made.
Wedge009 said:
Hey, did you guys do the whole "Slaughter WC-clones" thing again this year?

Yeah, that's how Hades put the gash in the tub, it's why Death was mentioning shearing through CDs, and it's one of those stuck on the end of my knife in that picture (hard to see, I know).

But I'll leave details for later. We have to get the commentary posted.
Heh, cool. I didn't notice the thing on your knife, I just thought you were showing off the knife itself. And I wasn't sure if there was any actual rampaging going on after seeing the 'pillow-bashing' shot from the news update.

Death said:
...as I have to send them off to a professional photo lab to have photo CDs made.
What's so special about Photo CDs? I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but I have a bunch of sample PCDs on an old CD-ROM which are about 4 MB each, but - just for comparison's sake - when I saved them as bitmaps, they were only 1 MB each. :confused:
I was using a regular 35mm film-based camera. My options for getting the pictures in an online-accessible format are either to process the film in the regular manner and then scan in those physical photos (my scanner sucks ass, so that's a no-go), or get them processed onto a photo CD to start with, and just copy the files from the disc to my web site.

While photo CD files do tend to be large (I mean, with 650+ MB of storage, you're not exactly short on space, with most commercially-available film, so why worry about minimizing file size?), it's not that difficult to manipulate them to a form that's more friendly to online viewing.
If there are any North Eastern Wingnuts out there, I think a bunch of us are getting together in November in Boston... we can make it a wing thing of some sort.
Here's to another year before we can do it all again.


Patience is not a strong point of mine. Here's to sitting around for another year.
Bandit LOAF said:
If there are any North Eastern Wingnuts out there, I think a bunch of us are getting together in November in Boston... we can make it a wing thing of some sort.

I'm in New Jersey, and I'll be looking at some colleges in the Boston area. If you give me specific dates I can make sure I'm around at that time.