
Cpl Hades said:
We suspect that this effort was aided by the bottle of vodka that they have stashed next to the sink.

I'm bringing the scotch next year, alright?
LeHah said:
I'm bringing the scotch next year, alright?

Yeah, and you can find your own room. :) Alcohol and the Wing Commander fan gathering don't mix well.
In the morning this time.. pretty exhausted from the trip. Good to be home, but I'll miss hanging out with everyone.
And I'm the last one to check in. I'm home. :(
I'm tired and hurting.. but I did have a neat Wing Commander thing waiting for me when I got home. Maybe I can update about it in a few days.
ChrisReid said:
Yeah, and you can find your own room. :) Alcohol and the Wing Commander fan gathering don't mix well.

Aww, don't blame alcohol -- my brother is an idiot with or without vodka. (G)
D*C lasted for four days.. Friday through Monday. We arrived on Thursday though.

And there aren't any decent UK cons.
ChrisReid said:
Yeah, and you can find your own room. :) Alcohol and the Wing Commander fan gathering don't mix well.

So I'll sit by myself and enjoy 16 year old scotch by myself then. No harm in that! :)
LeHah said:
So I'll sit by myself and enjoy 16 year old scotch by myself then. No harm in that! :)

You won't be alone.. There'll be thousands of convention weirdos to keep you company.

Bandit LOAF said:
Aww, don't blame alcohol -- my brother is an idiot with or without vodka. (G)

Your brother was pretty cool, but we ran into his friend ocassionally with embarassing results.

Newcommanderondablock said:
What, D*C's over already?? How long was it suppost to go 4?

As Hades said.. Thursday through Monday. Sad it's so short, but we're all pretty damn exhausted. If it went any further we'd have to sleep through a whole day to right ourselves.

Cpl Hades said:
And I'm the last one to check in. I'm home. :(
I'm tired and hurting.. but I did have a neat Wing Commander thing waiting for me when I got home. Maybe I can update about it in a few days.

It was really great updating with everyone from the Mobile CIC HQ. I'll miss that until next year.
Oh, good, I figured you hated my brother (G) Yeah, his friend was a bit much -- but he was a nice guy at heart, I guess. Still, at the most it should be just Si and I next year (and probably just me)... since I think Alex is moving to Wales in a month (he can hang out with Hades, as per my understanding of geography).
I'm finally back to the local library in Boston where it's hard to find an unoccupied computer and everything smells like Italian food. Dragon*Con was more fun than you could ever describe to a person and I never could have dreamed how fantastic it would be.

Bandit LOAF said:
Oh, good, I figured you hated my brother (G) Yeah, his friend was a bit much -- but he was a nice guy at heart, I guess. Still, at the most it should be just Si and I next year (and probably just me)... since I think Alex is moving to Wales in a month (he can hang out with Hades, as per my understanding of geography).

I'm pretty sure everyone liked your brother, but cringed when they saw Alex walk up to them just because he was usually fairly scary.
To those who asked about my band

I played guitar and sang lead . . . well . . sorta "sang" . . it was punk, so it was more like melodic yelling. My guitar was black with white trim (which now looks more "cream"). I'm in a different band now called "Knutn Special", which is melodic punk. I play rhythm guitar and sing backup vocals. I'm a johnny-come-lately to this band, so I don't do much writing. But they sure do love my Marshall amplifier! As soon as we get back our cd we just recorded (it's being mastered) I'll post a link to an mp3 for you guys.

Despite my rantings, I might harrass DragonCon next year, depending on where it is. I think it'd be fun to piss you all off in person . . . that way I can also stomp your asses into the ground. It'll be fun for all of us :)
I'm afraid I have to disagree with the Baron, here. Alcohol + WC fans isn't the problem. Alcohol + Alex is the problem. (Sober he wasn't much of an annoyance. Not sober I was quite ready to disassociate myself from him, even with wearing the same costume making that a difficult task.)

However, having said that, given alcohol laws in the US, and with some of the people in the room being under the 21 year old limit (IIRC), having booze in the room can be a potential hassle. Admittedly, though, it's somewhat minimal of a risk when you consider all the openly advertised room parties that are just about as much of a part of DC as the panels and con events.

On the gripping hand, anyone caught drinking underage can and should get 3-monkied to hell and back (hear no transgression, see no transgression, speak no transgression); in other words, "should you or any member of your force be captured or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your existence".
The official D*C rules say that minors caught with the booze have their badge revoked, but as long as you're not drunk off your ass in public (remember that one Klingon dude? That ruled), nobody is likely to care.

But alcohol and the effigy don't mix.

D*C was pretty cool. The group is getting large... too large to constantly wander around in a group anymore. Next year it would be wise to set up a few WC meeting times to stick to, and everyone do their own thing otherwise.

Friday night at 7 or 8, suit up for the Hyatt lobby.
Saturday at 9, the Parade.
Saturday at 4, Star Wars costume thing.
Sunday (whenever) the effigy, followed by the big costume contest on TV

That sort of thing. A big WC dinner or two, too (though that's also getting to hassle levels, having to find room at the mandatory Champions).

Aside from the elevators, though, it was great fun.

TyeDyeBoy said:
But alcohol and the effigy don't mix.

Most definitely not. Things were dangerous enough with everyone sober, what with CD shards flying out like from a fragmentation grenade (wish I'd thought of yelling "Fire in the hole!" when snapping that E&B CD... :D ), cutting shears that could cut through multiple layers of CD plastic, and assorted dangerous items like that pigsticker that Tye is weilding.
Did you guys buy your booze down there or did you bring it in from over state lines?
Death said:
dangerous items like that pigsticker that Tye is weilding.

Yeah, Hades left a permanent mark in the Bathtub with that big knife Tye's wielding.