Does the Kilrathi eat human meat?

The point of the thread is that no one knows which cattle have it, since it lies dormant for so long.
Originally posted by LeHah
Whoa, Dak, coming out with the science lesson! :)

It was rather big news in the UK for most of the 90s, and (for some reason) it ended up being discussed way too much when I was at Uni.
Yes, it also came in the German news. Espcially since we know our cattle also has it. There I know it from. And from an X-Files book I read. It just interests me.
Pretty decent. One of the things I like about them is that they generally focus on the investigation of paranormal events (which was what drew me to the series in the first place) rather than getting tied up in that whole conspiracy angle the later seasons of the series focus on.

Best, Raptor
Well, both are good! The paranormal events are stand-alone episodes, where no background information is necessary... while the "conspiracy theory" ones really get you into the character's shoes...

It's like there was a plot to follow, a plot lasting for 8 seasons, no less! :cool:

Apparently, if there will ever be a 9th season, it won't be related to Mulder and Scully, it will be a new start with new characters most probably...

Until then, we have The Lone Gunmen to be happy! :D

[Edited by mpanty on 07-05-2001 at 10:05]
The Lone Gunmen will be starting here in NZ later this year. I'm not a die hard X-Files follower anymore, but I'll check out the first few episodes and see what the show is like.

Best, Raptor
It's very funny! Don't expect paranormal stuff though, mysteries yes, investigations always, and lots and lots of humour! :D

I think the Pilot is available for download somewhere (no illegal stuff, as a matter of fact, I think it was on Fox's website (the channel, not Mulder :) ).

I'll ask a friend and post the link to those who are interested...
(quote] Originally posted by mpanty
You read X-Files books, Fishbone? How are they, compared to the series? [/quote]
I only read one of them (it was one, which included 3 diffeent storys). And the serie I've never seen. The book I only bought, because it interested me. The serie/ film I know the story, but I've really never watched it. :)
But the comparision somebody else made. So...the book was good. Even if I was quite little and the book little cruel. So I was afraid...*g*
Ehh, I stopped enjoying the X-Files around the third season... it just got so darned... wrapped up in itself.
After so many episodes they had brought anything interesting. So variation maybe becmae difficult. What I read about it, the peoplse had a very good-working phantasy.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Ehh, I stopped enjoying the X-Files around the third season... it just got so darned... wrapped up in itself.
It's true some episodes are rather twisted...

But hey, if you really allow yourself to "enter" the story, that's when you enjoy it the most... :)
The last seasson with the T1000 was wayyyy below average in comparison with the other seassons, Mulder only appears with hooks in his mouth and nothing more.....

In August FOX latinamerica will air the new Dune Series
X-Files died with Mr X. What the X-Files could've been died after the first season. Millennium, a show with few equals, shouldn't have had a Season 3 and should've ended with the sickly twisted 2nd Season finale after Lance's wife dies from Marburg, he ends up going mad, etc.

Brilliant show, Millennium. How I miss it...

[Edited by LeHah on 07-06-2001 at 00:15]
Yes, in some ways Millenium is better than X-files, more dark, more of mental-horror, and that episode with KISS !!!!
but the end was too disapointing !!!

[Edited by Ghost on 07-06-2001 at 00:23]
Originally posted by Ghost in August FOX latinamerica will air the new Dune Series

I saw the first episode two days ago and I find it very good ! It's very faithful to the novels !
Far more interesting to the faithfulness of the shows and movies (which is pretty much a given, if they're going to use the Dune name,) is the wide variation between the different directors' vision of Dune and its societies.

It's just really cool to see how different the Fremen and the Bene Gesserit can be from one movie to another mini-series, and still maintain their recognizability.

[Edited by Frosty on 07-06-2001 at 04:33]
Well I didn't like the movie much. One reason was that the "graphical aspect" was too far from what I imagined when I read the book. I specialy disliked the design of the Sardaukars. I think the mini-serie is less "artistic", but is closer to the book (in term of "design").
But you are rigth : it is amazing to see how directors interpret the books !

[Edited by Sadic on 07-06-2001 at 05:05]
My complaint regarding the miniseries was that it both was too much like the movie stylistically and that it tried too obviously *not* to be like it -- which is to say, it'd *avoid* famous bits of dialogue because they were in the movie...