Dead Pilots

Dear God Penguin, do you expect the man to live in the past forver?:)

Blair had to move on... it did come soon after Angels death, but he did need some comforting to deal with the pain.
No Earthworm, I don't expect him to live in the past forever. But leaping into a relationship with someone else straight after also isn't appropriate. For either partner.
It wasn't right after Angel'd death. Remember, that Angel was killed before the events of WC3, and Blair knew deep inside that she wasn't coming home.

And there have been long periods of seperation between the two ever since Angel started working for Paladin in Special Ops. Technicly, one could say that their relationship was over even before he meat Rachel.
Earthworm: " It wasn't right after Angel'd death."
What are you smoking :) Of coarse it was.
As for Blair knowing she wasn't coming home, I don't think the game implies that. As for separation - well now you're suggesting that their relationship wasn't all that iron clad. If it was, it would've survived separation.
Of course it wasn't right after her death. Like I said, she died before WC3, and a lot of time has passed between the begining of WC3, and Blair and Rachel "hooking up".

No, the game doesn't imply that, but the novel does, very clearlly.

And finally, not many relationships can survive long periods of seperation, especially when you can't keep any contact, or know what's going on with them.
they were apart but they still love each other and Blair know that tolwyn like suicide missions a lot.
Blair know that by not reciving anything from her there was a very good chance that she would be dead.
Blair say that to Rachel in the hangar before the behemont.
Blair-"at least they would be alive"
Blair still have some hope but he knows that she is dead.
yes, paladin,not tolwyn I just hate tolwyn.
But Tolwyn knew.
I wonder how she did get to kilrah in the first place after all she did not take the earth/kilrah express.

and Paladin sould have told Blair it was a lot worst to hear that from the prince.I was so piss off that I launch all my missiles in ripple mode at him before going to the victory.
I don't hate Tolwyn. Its just that BL business overrides all the good stuff he did. As for Angel getting to Kilrah - 2 words --> covert ops.
Paladin didn't tell Blair about Angel because he didn't want Blair going off and doing something stupid, like rippling his missiles off at Thrak and getting left behind :)
Angel and her team used a captured Kilrathi transport, and I would assume that they used a jump point that the Kilrathi didn't suspect Confed of having.
I give him my missiles so he would take some time before going after me. what did you think that I was going to be left behind I was flying a arrow those things dont jump and I was not going to spend my last moments of my live(well not mine, blairs) looking the stars standed in the midle of space.Besides what Paladin was thinking that Blair would never find out.
That's absurd, how could anyone think that Blair wouldn't find out that hislover/mate, whatever, is dead?

And, in the WC3 novel, it's shown quite nicelly how Blair almost gets left behind because he wants to fight Thrak.
well if the cat did not tell him, who will? either paladin or Tolwyn.That information was in a need to know base as Tolwyn put it so well.
Dragon: You should know that interesting tid bits like Angel getting killed don't stay in the skeleton wardrobe forever. They always emerge at opportune moments.

Anyways its been nice chatting (er typing ;) ) to you guys. See ya :)
yes, right AFTHER the war had ended.(by Tolwyn BIG GUN)
Paladin- sorry laddie, I send Angel to her death and it did not matter in the end since Tolwyn manage to end the war with out her help.
Now we just hope that Paladin can run real fast and Blair d not having his gun with him at that time because..

And what the hell happen to Blair in the end of WC P did he died our not?
I supose that he is dead but since that we dont see his body...

[Edited by Dragon on 01-14-2001 at 22:04]
Blair is presumed dead, and he even had a funeral in SO. According to an interview the CIC posted last week, the plan was to bring him back later, but since there won't be any new games for now, that could be changed at any time in the future.
That interview scared me to no end... I really, really wish some OSI employee would come and tell us that they were just kidding.
All I know, is that OSI would have to be very carefull if that's what they were planning to do. It would be quite easy to screw up a story line like that.
With the Blair forgetting about Angel while being on the Victory bit, didn't anyone notice all the stuff about Angel plastered all over his locker? And his flashback?

Anyway, that interview with (?)Mark Day worried me too. Do I recall correctly that they were going to choose between having Blair as a prisoner or a member? And I can imagine him being described as concerned over his actions at Kilrah and whatever, but feeling a bond with the Nephilim? <shudder> Those of you who have read the novels might want to inform me of his concerns, but yikes, I sure hope he doesn't join the bugs. I suppose he could be disfigured, or something, like they nearly did with that torture session. (I always thought that was Casey dreaming.) At least then they might have an excuse for the different face if Mark Hamill didn't want to do anymore.

That reminds me. Maybe Dralthi and others might want to comment on this. I've just started reading the New Jedi Order, and the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and the New Republic has a terrible time combating their organic based ships. The Nephilim ships are also suspected of being at least semi-organic. Wouldn't it have made sense to have the Midway having trouble dealing with a totally new threat? At least with the capships? For example, new method of shielding on the bugs (I guess we got that with the capships, but that applies to Confed as well), or perhaps new weapons that don't quite work the way we are used to. Uh oh, bordering on ideas Chip might have...