Dallas system?


Hi, I've played most of the wing commander games though I've not read any of the books so I was wondering if anyone could sum up for me the reason Dallas doesn't have any connections on the Wing Commander Map that came with Prophecy... If it did have a connection, where to? What happened to that connection? you know, the usual.

I'd go out and get the books but I don't intend to read French copies! The joys of living in Quebec...


Maniac Angel Raptor
It has to do with a secret alien device, posibly the Steltek, Dallas has a IDGD (InterDimensional Gate Device), it´s like the Iconian doors in ST:TNG, some people here believe that with this gadget someone can enter in to the Tri-System of Privateer 2
Now I get it... a steltek system... It must have been modified to loop in on itself to avoid intrusion by "lesser" races... Well, that gives me the info I needed... I guess I can simply remove it from the plug-in I'm making for Escape Velocity since there's no way to copy the effects of an "alternate" doorway :p

Maniac Angel Raptor
He was joking.

[20:35] <WildWeasel> since when is Dallas a Steltek system?
[20:35] <TC^> since Ghost posted while on crack
[20:35] <TC^> and some guy drew odd conclusions
[20:36] <_Ghost> IT was a joke
[20:37] <WildWeasel> jokes are funny, though
[20:37] <_Ghost> It was convincing?
[20:37] <WildWeasel> it confused a newbie
[20:37] <TC^> it confused me!
[20:37] <_Ghost> well, Humor like other things are like taste
[20:37] <WildWeasel> don't confuse TC
[20:38] <WildWeasel> it must've lost something in the translation...
[20:38] <TC^> yes, there's good humour and bad humour!
Dallas Snell (the guy who lent his name to General Snell as well as the Dallas system) was the VP of New Technologies at Origin. He apparantly once made an organizational chart for some project that had his name, and an arrow that pointed back to himself. The system is a joke on that. It has a jump point, but it leads back to the Dallas system. One could, I assume, reach it using Hopper Drive.
It's apparently an in-joke of sorts, there's supposed to be some rivalry between Austin and Dallas or something like that. You'll notice that a pilot "Dallas" dies in both WC2 and WCP. It might also have something to do with the Origin employee, Dallas Snell, but I can't remember exactly.
I don't know why you're even bothing to post today, Wedge. I just seem to be faster and more informative :)
I don't see the point of it... you can't even see it if it's not connected to an explored system... even with a "galactic map" outfit item... that goes according to system jumps... without any connections, the Dallas system would remain hidden... no one would even know it's there.
Is each system loaded one at a time? Because it could just be 'there', even if no one could see it. Similar to how things existed in Privateer/RF even though they might not have had a designated navpoint (eg Steltek derelict, Mordecai Jones, Eden-Rikel jump points, etc).
There is an option for making systems visible only after the completion of a certain mission... each mission can be assigned a victory bit and a defeat bit... a system can be made to appear at the victory bit or you can make Sol system a desolate part of space by recieving the defeat bit... it all depends on how you set up the bits and what you set up to work with the bits. The big problem is that if Dallas has no connection PERIOD to the main group of systems, then the player will never even see the system icon represented in the map window since no one knows it exists. Other systems like Delta and Delta Prime from Gemini sector will be hidden until the right missions are accomplished... and Kilrah will be Kilrathi Imperium until a certain mission bit is achieved wich marks Blair's success in his bombing run.... things like this. Also ships and outfit items also have a mission bit section so you can make ships and items available only after certain bits are set. That on top of the "tech" field meaning a ship with tech level 4000 will only show up on a planet or station or moon that possess either a tech level of 4000 (in wich case all tech levels bellow are also there) or a special tech of 4000 (wich means 4000 only plus the ones from the normal tech and the other 2 special tech fields)