CSS and TCS: The difference?

To clear up all craziness...

Diligent class (one 'L') is the Drayman-looking tanker introduced in SM1. It also appears a bit in SWC cutscenes -- and has the dubious honor of being the only ship not listed in SWC's manual. Presumably the first Diligent was the TCS Diligent.

The 'TCS Dilligent', seen in the Wing Commander Movie, is an Errant class merchantman (although it's actually a spy ship, like the Bonnie Heather). It's designated "TCS" because we've seen that other merchant ships get the 'TCS' designation.

TCS stands for Terran Confederation Ship (stated) or Terran Confederation Starship (implied in WC2). This is the designation used in every single WC source, *including* anything spoken in the movie.

CS is a shortened form which simply stands for Confederation Ship. This is used in movie-related materials (novels and the handbook).

CSS is a reference to the American Civil War designation Confederate States Ship (IIRC) -- it's used once in WC1 (about a destroyer, the CSS Suffolk) and is in the original WC movie script... and thus it appears on anything 'written' in the movie (patches, etc.). It *probably* stands for Confederation Star Ship, and is certainly used interchangably with TCS...
All the printed material (hats, patches, etc.) call it 'CSS'... but the dialogue in the movie calls it 'TCS'.