Creating red book audio cd from WCP in flight music

First of all, TC, the problem is with me. I thought I`d have the Bandwidth for such a task, but My University`s Proxy server is screwing up uploads, and I don`t have the time to do this over a dial-up connection. Also, your ftp, for some odd reason, did not grant me access from home either lately. Again I am not pointing fingers.

LOAF, how do you propose doing the uploads?
I think TC was worried, because whenever people say they're not pointing fingers, it usually means they're pointing fingers (G)

Well, we could set you up an FTP site somewhere (either with Death or Trelane or somebody), or I could send you a CD-R, if you've access to a drive. Or we could e-mail one a day or something.

(How many mp3s is it, anyway?)
Yeah... I mean... everybody wants to point fingers. You always want to blame someone for problems.

It's fun for the whole family!!!

Uh, I just had a look at the Blacklance FTP which was apparently empty. It's got some stuff now, is that the stuff you had previously on your driveway account, Mad Hatter? Or is there new stuff as well? You know I always drool over new stuff. :) Now if only I had bandwidth which wouldn't take half an hour for 1MB...
There are only older files there which have been on my driveway account. I do, however have a few more mp3s that I haven`t got a place to upload to.