Communication officers in Wing Commander

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Come on everyone knows the funniest comm voice was the church of man here are their sayings!
Die by the very weapons you adore!
Piety has prevailed again, die devil!
Traitor to humanity, feel our wrath!
Toth forget Oxford! your next stop is hell!
Can it be? has the god of man abandoned us?
Deliver us o lord for we are in need!
your destruction is the will of god!
Heathen! taste the purifying fire of the lord!!
Death to heathens, glory be unto the most high!
Hunter Toth, you are hereby sentenced to death for your heresy, the execution shall commence, now!!
Repent, and accept our righteous judgement!
Your destruction is the will of god!
Sinner ready Thyself for righteous retribution, we know
you posess high level alien devices, Machines of damnable intent, for adding to the technological burden of mankind, the chuch condems you, in the moments left to you repent!
Major Edmund always struck me as being neutral towards Blair, even when he goes off and disobeys her calls to return to the Concordia. Heck, she even wished him luck when he went to take on Thrakhath alone, although there was little else she could say. She also didn't look too bad when they put her in the cutscenes for SO1, so it was interesting to find that she disliked Blair so much... although once she had told him, she seemed to back off.

Rollins' debriefs were the most amusing, I think. Especially the one where he looks at the reports, then chucks it out because they were wrong. He might have been annoying, (my first WC3 run made me choose "This guys a loon") but once you come to know him, he was cool.

Naismith was a punk, sure, but I wasn't bothered too much. (Yes, I know it's been said before, but Lemonlips was so much worse). Sosa, was okay too, but in hindsight, I suppose she was a bit too cheery. Neither do I see her as being incredibly attractive.

For some reason Anderson freaks me out whenever he gives that 'traitor' speech. Even though I was only mucking around, it really made me feel bad for blowing up friendly ships. But otherwise he seemed like a bit of a dork. A nice bloke, but still a dork. I also never liked those "Get those bombers!"

I always felt it was Captain Murkins who spoke on the Cerberus. I couldn't believe that a comm officer would speak to you like that if you failed a mission.
Originally posted by Sonntag
Hello Mekt!
I mostly agree with you, but I found Andersson being a bit too boring, however he was the most realistic of them all... Sosa was rather a Child at the comms

BTW I have my first ABI written exams in 10 days...

Well, then good luck! :)

Clippy is cool.

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 04-28-2001 at 09:24]
Yes of course good luck to all, whom pass any exam in some days/weeks. I pass no exam (what I really find a pity), I only write my next math-exercise what is even worse enough...;) For me and the teacher whom is so unlucky to have to correct it..
Wedge; there with Anderson you're right. I also felt bad after having blown the Kilrathi up...because of his speech.
But he really nerved...during the missions. There I mostly like that officers for being quiet. I am so concentrated for killing an enemy, that I could kill everybody wanting anything at comm from me. doesn't matter whether CAG, Finley, Sosa, Anderson, or whom ever. And the worst thing in WC4, they sometimes expect you to answer!!! That nerved mostly. it's like in reeality..I sit in my airplane and then the best saying, I am just arriven at 1000m:
Hilden Station for 59, please come.
Then just: 59 to Hilden Station we listen.
HS: You know you're flying since 1 our. Come down. Here are other people also wanting to fly on your plane...

Then I could really KILL them. Maybe I hate it because of that.:)
Originally posted by RFBurns
Sosa wasnt all that bad. Nice looking. The Intrepid's helm officer looked nice too! (Maniac thought so also!) :)


maniac would try to hit on a rock if it had ****** :p
question, a while back I found a site that Had a pic of how characters looked in every wc, does anyone know what the site is, I cannot remember for the life of me
Originally posted by Manjana
Yes of course good luck to all, whom pass any exam in some days/weeks. I pass no exam (what I really find a pity), I only write my next math-exercise what is even worse enough...;) That nerved mostly. it's like in reeality..I sit in my airplane and then the best saying, I am just arriven at 1000m:
Hilden Station for 59, please come.
Then just: 59 to Hilden Station we listen.
HS: You know you're flying since 1 our. Come down. Here are other people also wanting to fly on your plane...

Then I could really KILL them. Maybe I hate it because of that.:)

I just have had my last math exercise, so there's only the exam left...:-)

I see that you are getting angry when having to land after one hour... always when its getting funny, right?
BTW do you use German or English during communication?
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
(I liked Sosa's emotional side... the candles, the cute affair with Catscratch... but I don't see why everybody thinks she's so darned attractive).
Well... because she is!! :)

Although I always liked Panther the best... :cool:

The drawings of Angel in WC I and II were pretty cute too...
In WC III, we didn't really get see her though...
Originally posted by Manjana
Yes of course good luck to all, whom pass any exam in some days/weeks.

I salute your optimism. I'll try not to disappoint.

Viking (God willing, soon to be Viking MSc).
Okay, once again: Good luck to all! Mekt will make his Abi (I'll press the thumbs for him and for all). What concerns me, I made the class it isn't possible to get so bad marks I'd have to I am happy in that way. I'll write my next exercise in two weeks...). But what does it matter? I archieved the class-aim and now I relax!!!

And Sonntag: Of course I was angry to be forced to come was so nice...and then: 'Move your ass off the cockpit we want to..'. And another aspect: The communication wants the attention, I normally need to fly. So it nervs..:)
And answer to your question...We communicate in German. There's no rule to do it in every club does as it is wished by the members (I hardly believe any club in germany does it in English). German is easilier and English communication is hard to learn...especially for 40-year old housewifes whom start to learn to fly. They'd have so many is even hard to make the German communication license, but the English one? I'd also have been hard for me...and I still have english at school...
Ah... good luck un viel Glück to you all... :)

Ich bin glücklich that I have just finished my uni exams for the semester... :cool:
France, here I come!
LMAO $tormin!!

Didn't I see you on TV on some success comedy show? ;)

Of course you can have half of France... if they let me take it... :)
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