Comments on weapons


Victory, you say?
First, why does the stromfire uses so much energy? On WCIV, it didn't. The drawback of this weapon is that you run out of ammo, but it had the advantage of using little energy so that you could transfer most of your power from weapons to shields. Was this intentional?

Second, why is there so much tachyons around? Weren't tachyons supposed to be expensive or something? Isn't the UBW and Kilrathi Raiders supposed to using more meson, ion, laser, photon, plasma and other cheaper weaponary than tachyons? On the missiles this is well reflected. Lots of HS and DF, few IR and almost none FF.
Well, the single Tachyon guns on the Dralthi and Vaktoth fighters is what they were assigned in WCP. The Bearcat also gets its Light Tachyon guns from its original form in WC4. That only leaves the Grathra and the Epee as "new" ships with Tachyon guns. I think on the Grathra they wanted to keep it powerful, but I don't see any particular advantage to using Light Tachyons on the Epee instead of the original Particle Cannons--the Particle Cannons only do 44 damage instead of 50 damage, but they refire slightly faster and use only 22 energy instead of 30 energy.

As for the Stormfire I agree that it ought to use less energy, but the designers of UE may have wanted to discourage the tactic of diverting all weapons energy to engines and shields. Mainly the purpose of the Stormfire is so that you can quickly frag enemies too heavy for the regular energy guns (such as the Mantas and Devil Rays).

But hes right you know this is a bit OTT. The stormfire doesn't actually use that much engergy, I don't actually ever recall running out using it, its the heavy stormfire not the stormfire :)

As for Tachyons see Ijuins response
Originally posted by Delance
First, why does the stromfire uses so much energy? On WCIV, it didn't. The drawback of this weapon is that you run out of ammo, but it had the advantage of using little energy so that you could transfer most of your power from weapons to shields. Was this intentional?
Yes. You'll notice that while the Stormfire gun in WCP did not use energy, it had a shorter range and did less damage than the Heavy Stormfire in UE.

Second, why is there so much tachyons around? Weren't tachyons supposed to be expensive or something? Isn't the UBW and Kilrathi Raiders supposed to using more meson, ion, laser, photon, plasma and other cheaper weaponary than tachyons?
Well, as has been pointed out, most of the tachyon-bearing ships had the same weapons the last time we saw them. As for the few exceptions to this rule... well, the Gratha probably use guns recycled from other Kilrathi ships, while the Epee is using light tachyons.
Re: Re: Comments on weapons

Originally posted by Quarto
Yes. You'll notice that while the Stormfire gun in WCP did not use energy, it had a shorter range and did less damage than the Heavy Stormfire in UE.

No stormfire uses energy on WC games. Why make it so? Using gun energy to boost the regeneration ratio of shields or speed is a trick only hardcore players used. :)
Originally posted by Ghost
Or people who played X-Wing,Tie-Fighter,XWA ;)

Yes. :) But on WCIV you had a weapon that used no energy, and you didn't have one on the X-Wing family of game.
Delance... he made it so because of the reasons he just specified :p
Now all weapons require engergy whether they are projectile or wholey energy based, I can only assume the standard stormfire included an energy tank in the cannon its self but this heavy stormfire doesn't have an adequate energy reserve so it borrows from your standard gun pool, more efficent when you think about it.
Well... less efficient, actually, but that's the point. It does more damage, so it requires energy. Why do this? Why not?

(the original Stormfire probably didn't need an internal energy tank, Pedro - the propellant was probably stored in the bullets, like with ordinary guns)
I think that this was done for game balance--since the Heavy Stormfire is the most powerful gun on any player-flyable ship, it was probably felt that using this hard-hitting, long-range gun combined with being able to divert all weapon power to your shields was too powerful.
Actually, the design process was kind of opposite to what you just said :p. We decided that a gun requiring both ammo and energy would be rather neat. So, the Stormfire was altered to require energy. To balance this, we boosted its range and damage. The final step in the process was renaming it to Heavy Stormfire.
Where the energy was stored wasn't really the point, its usually chemical energy converted to kinetic so where it was isn't really the point :p
Who cares? It fires, it does a mean number on anything it touches, it does a cool sound:D So, who cares? I like it the way it is, no unnecessary philosophy:)
BTW, how about adding few more rounds ( 600, 800 perhaps?)?
And why does a Dev in WCP has 800 rounds whey you never use Stormfire when flying it?
Alright, but how do you explain in-universe that the stormfire all of the sudden requries energy?

Another question: why not make an upgraded scatter cannon? Like, a double scatter for the scimm. 10 ions at the same time on a "8" binocular cone. How cool!