Catching Up With Saga - GamePlay Complete! (January 30, 2012)

Well, LeHah, there are several stories about that (and, as usually, different versions of each story depending on the point of view) and the more I hear about it (from both sides of the story) the more I get the impression that it didn't really happen that way.
But I understand that there are some strong opinions about that that can't be easily dispelled. That's a pity.
(btw: IF it really happened it was years ago. People change over the years, you know)
Eh, there's no question that Psych did that - we had access to the private messages. But I think Psych was just a dreadful person and it's our own fault for letting him have the kind of perceived authority he did for so long. It's not really Saga's fault.
From my few encounters (actually I avoided him on here afterwards), Psych definitely seemed like a troll and was certainly a jerk to put it kindly.
While I never had any major dealings with the Saga team, I did have a few dealings with Psych. The first of them started the week I first registered here back in 2003 (....has it really been 8 and a half He was, to put it succinctly, one of the biggest assholes you would ever encounter on the internet. I remember there was a story about him trying to intimidate someone from taking down material that referenced *fan made* material on his Fleet Tactics website. IIRC, that was the reason the CIC banned him.
I know it is hard, but please stop bashing him. It is just rude.
Most (if not all) of that stuff happened years ago and every time someone posts anything here in a Saga related thread there is the same old discussion. That's neither a positive thing for this board nor for Saga and certainly not for the community. (And probably you can guess that it is also a reason why almost nobody of the Saga team wants to post here...) Why does it have to happen all the time?
That's a bit like Hawk hunting the Kilrathi in Prophecy years after the war ended, the difference being that nobody killed your family.
It's just sad and pointless.
Hehe actually Psych continues to send me nasty e-mails. I don't mind bashing him. He's an awful person.
Hehe actually Psych continues to send me nasty e-mails. I don't mind bashing him. He's an awful person.

Exactly. My complaints about Psych never had anything to do with Saga. I would love to see anyone on the Saga team come and post here. I want the two communities to reunite, because we're probably the largest nexus of WC fans on the internet. I hope their game is spectacular and helps to set a bar for what an official WC release in this era should achieve.
Agreed--it's nothing to do with Saga, save that he wreaks havoc claiming to be in your name. If anything, you should take THIS information back to the Saga folks; I am 100% sure Psych being a huge anus here is nothing Tolwyn et al have any knowledge of.
Most (if not all) of that stuff happened years ago and every time someone posts anything here in a Saga related thread there is the same old discussion. That's neither a positive thing for this board nor for Saga and certainly not for the community. (And probably you can guess that it is also a reason why almost nobody of the Saga team wants to post here...) Why does it have to happen all the time?
It doesn't have to happen all the time. The problem is, this is one of the big issues that seemed to result in the Saga team virtually turning its back on the rest of the community. As long as they are gone, people will keep asking "what happened with that", and the answer will always go back to Psych (...and half a dozen other issues, to be fair). Which means, I suppose, that in order to stop this, the Saga team would simply have to re-engage the rest of the community, post in the forum, and so on - make it so that these old issues all become irrelevant and forgettable.