BREAKING NEWS: More Wing Commander Academy Details (September 8, 2011)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
TVShowsonDVD has more details about the Wing Commander Academy DVD release that we announced last week! They report that the set will be distributed in the United States by First Look Studios/Millennium, LLC with a $24.98 suggested retail price. There's also a new description and '3D' cover image:
A spirited and elite corps of novice fighter pilots attends the Wing Commander Academy in the year 2655. Often thrust into battle against the mighty and ruthless Kilrathi race, the crew must master daring manoeuvres and veer through constant danger to save the world. Sedate and honorable Maverick, devil-may-care and impulsive Maniac, and serious-minded, cautious and competent Archer make up a quarter of the cadet wing at the academy under their brilliant, if argumentative, captain, Commodore Tolwyn.

The set should be available for preorder at US retailers next week; eager buyers (and Canadians) can go ahead and place their order with Amazon Canada.

Original update published on September 8, 2011
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I got my preorder for $17 when it was first listed...

... plus $17 overnight shipping from Canada.
Woo, a 3D cover! Is there any reason not to preorder from Amazon Canada and rather wait for the US Amazon to list it?
I guess it depends on the exchange rate. For you, probably no reason to wait. For Americans it'll be cheaper and quicker to get it from Amazon US.

I'll do both with overnight shipping and race them, though. :)