Black Lance Carrier

Wildcat, You have a top shot of the Lex? I'm pretty sure the turrets are the same size and they're clearly marked with orange square pads, excellent for measuring... Can someone get me a Lexington top shot?
Nep> I think that hangars are a shaky idea, we've seen at least one instance (Axius) of two different hangar sizes, anthe Vesuvius, Intrepid, Lexington and generic space station do not share hangar dimensions... It will give You a general idea, but I'm looking for decimal points ;)
well i'm basing that size from the sizes of the windows.. of course the windows could be different sizes..

as for a top shot of the lex here it is


[Edited by WildCat on 05-16-2001 at 16:51]
It looks like the carrier and the Concordia class use similar hangar lengths sizes. Try measuring the height...Vesuvius, Concordia and Durango class all seem to use the same hangar heights...I think.
Concordia in image.

Width 4.1 cm

Length 17.8 cm.

Correct ratio of Length/Breadth is 17.8/4.1= 4.3415

In the shot, the turret pad is 7 mm... 1/6 of the total width.

Total width= 750/4.3415 = 172.75 m, 1/6 of which is 28.8m. Hence, One turret pad is 28.8m in length. The BL carrier carries 22 turret pad lengths according to the top shot.

22*28.8= 633.6, appx 634m...
wait.. assuming the lights inside the hangar are spaced equally on both ships.. the concordia is quite a lot bigger.. behold

Well, my only assumption is that all capship laser turrets made by Confed are the same size in the game engine... I suppose I could be wrong however, this is an assumption based on what the programmers did, and as I know how lazy they are, they wouldn't make specific turret sizes for specific ships *lol*

Forgive me, it's very late here and I just did math... I feel ready to croak :p
Are you measuring the actual size of the guns? That MIGHT give you an accurate estimate; they both seem to be anti-matter guns.

Measure how many guns it takes to go across the Concordia, then measure how many it takes to go across the Lance.
But they rest on orange squares, which should be the same size for the same turret...

Sorry for hassling everyone... I stick to my gus so much sometimes it gets ridiculous... Anyway, You have my theory, do with it as You wish... Didn't mean to be a Tolwyn about it ;)

[Edited by gryphon on 05-16-2001 at 17:13]
not if the turret is a different size... and we know from past experience that wc3 and 4 don't give accurate scale in the game engine
Another thing that's been bugging me... In the intro to WC3, doesn't the Tallahassee seem a bit longer than 530 m? It seems more like 800, haven't played the game for a long time but I remember that it came as a shock to read 530 in the VS manual, I was so certain they were much bigger... I mean the Sheffield is more massive in that case, and it's only a destroyer... hmph. Scale.

Do Your jobs, programmers! That way us real guys don't have to bend the laws of physics to get it right for you *shakes fist with McCaesar's Salad in hand*
well wc3 is an old engine which had limited computer resources available to it.. and wc4 is essentially the same engine with a general upgrade.. so you can't blame em for not getting the scale right
I don't *lol*

But interestingly... The scale in the WCU has changed as well... The Tiger's Claw could hold what, 104 fighters? That's a 700m ship.

The hades is 770m, right? And holds 30. Now I know what You're thinking, it's a cruiser... But compare the silhouettes of the two. The Hades holds twice the volume, and the fighters have gotten smaller, too... There seem to be some major inconsistencies which we poor gamers must unravel late at night... And still, it does no bother me ;)

What does bother me... When do I finally get some rank here? I mean, what is the system?