Beacon Mission in Prophecy

Yeah, Casey got promoted to First Lieutenant... regardless, I don't think anybody would bring him up on charges for a little friendly rivalry.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Hmm, I thought you meant Casey actually going on the comm and throwing an insult. Is she still his superior? It is his first mission in the Black Widows.

I was kidding ... naw, you can't actually say something
to her, although alt-T would probably trigger the
standard "Die, bug!" message and have no effect.

I would *love* to insult her during the mission, generally because she keeps bragging how SHE can find
the buoy and, of course, it doesn't seem like she ever

"Hey Ace, betcha I can find the buoy before *you* do".

"Stiletto, you couldn't find your * with both hands..."

-- Brian P.
hmm you were obviously playing on an easy skill level, she always found it in under a minute when i played that mission prompting the mission failed.
hmm you were obviously playing on an easy skill level, she always found it in under a minute when i played that mission prompting the mission failed.

You mean it isn't possible that someone completed a mission you couldn't, so it was obviously a lower difficulty level?

Winning that mission is quite possible. I have completed it many times, myself.

er tc the point i was making was that she did find the beacon and very fast, and not that i couldnt do it, the mission was indeed easy, but it wasnt obvious as to how to do it, and so i suspect that everyone failed it first time.
I dont know about you, but either i got my diff. at ace or at nightmare. I play through it on ace first time off then on nightmare. not too fancy for the lower skill levels