Balancing the killboard


N00b question here: Is there any way to bump up the effectiveness of my wingmen? I just got done playing through WCP:SO (mostly on Ace, though near the end I bumped it down to Rookie due to lack of patience) and it kinda annoys me how the killboard at the end was like, "Stiletto: 2, Amazon: 3, Maestro: 50, Zero: 50, Spyder: 55, Gryphon (me): 940 billion" or whatever. I mean, sheesh, what's the point of HAVING wingmen if they won't kill anything?

Really, I'd like to see a game where wingmen are competent and there's actually competition on the killboards between you and the NPC pilots. Starlancer has this problem up the wazoo, your wingmen were USELESS. WCP's dose is thankfully smaller, but not by much. Is there a way to get competent wingmen? I don't think bumping up the difficulty level will help; that just makes the BUGS more dangerous, it doesn't do anything for your wingies. Except make them eject more often.

Anyway. Thanks for the help. Back to the flight deck...
Originally posted by marblespire
I mean, sheesh, what's the point of HAVING wingmen if they won't kill anything?

the point of having wingmen is that when you totally screw up, you have someone to blame, or your about to kill the bastard your aiming at and then your wingmen get hit cause their dumb asses got in the way. and besides, there is the chance, however remote, that your wingmen will be helpful. i remember a time in WCP where one of my wingmen saved my ass during a bomber mission. my last torp got wasted, but my wingman had one, and he killed the bug ship. but times like that are few and far between

Really, I'd like to see a game where wingmen are competent and there's actually competition on the killboards between you and the NPC pilots.

do you know what your asking. if there were some competent AI wingmen, civilization as we know it would end (already has because Farscape is over, but that's for a different forum).
What got me was Zero, Stilleto and Maestro all getting promoted to the Wolf Pack Squadron even other pilots still had a lot higher kill scores, especially Maestro who would sometimes be lower than all the Diamondback pilots...
Yeah, Maestro is pretty weak. :)

BTW: Stiletto

What I don't like is that you're only allowed to eject three times, before being pulled off the flight roster, whereas in SO, your wingmen seem to eject every mission (including those escort missions where the Cerberus leaves them behind. :) Presumably, they're picked up before autopilot...).
Originally posted by dacis2
you'd be fighting for kills so hard...

What's wrong with that? Who needs 940 billion kills anyway? And besides, if you and your wingmates were all squashing bugs at the rate of one every five seconds, some of those missions would be a lot faster.
Originally posted by TC
A Stiletto is a small tapered dagger.
I loved how several Confed ships in WC2 were named after swords : Epee, Rapier, Sabre, Broadsword - Scimitar too.
Originally posted by Aries
so what kind of a sword is a ferret
I said several, not all ships. I knew someone would make a silly comment about the poor innocent ferret. In any case, the Morningstar is not a sword either.
Yeah, I figured that out a little later on. That's what happens when you reply just after you wake up! Go waking up at 3:30 pm!
Don't worry, 'he who laughs last, didn't get the joke' :)

I thought that a stiletto was part of the female apparell. I think in the shoes department...I'll just go check a dictionary...

Yeh, it's a dagger, but there's also a 'stiletto heel' which is a high heel on a shoe that tapers to an extremely small base...whatever that means...I'm so glad guys don't have to wear high heels.
Originally posted by marblespire
u]Starlancer[/u] has this problem up the wazoo,

Yeah your fellow 45th Pilots were Crap, but the Killboard was for the whole of the Alliance and most of the pilots were good
Originally posted by Haesslich
And the bombers: Crossbow and Longbow...

They make very poor swords.

Excalibur and Scimitar and bla bla bla :p

Anyway You are right pal about the Killboard......even at NIghtmare its generally an easy game to beat and you just fly for fun increasing your Killboard.Even at the first WC ,there is the same prob with the Killboard....just think that in the "actual" Wc universe the things are different and the wingmen do their job