Babylon 5

I loved the show, but "Thirdspace" and "River of Souls" I thought were a little out in left field. Although, the dogfight in the very beginning of "Thirdspace" was one of the coolest sci-fi fighter battles I have ever seen, bar none!
"A Call to Arms" wasn't bad because they introduced the Crusade strory and improved some CGI effects (jumping into and exiting from hyerspace) from the show. But I thought the battle in the end of "A Call to Arms" wasn't very well thought out and kind of lame.
Yeah. I didn't really like Thirdspace much, it was basically just an extended B5 episode with no big connection to the rest of the plot. But The River of Souls was a good movie, not for the plots, but because of those funny things they threw in. Like when Garibaldi said "What? Ok. I'm as offended as you are. But I can see why alot of guys would rent this particular image." And the salesguy says "Actually it was mainly women." Zack and Garibaldi glare at him, and the Captain storms in. The look on her face was priceless. And The Gathering affected the entire series, and sure, it's the pilot, but I didn't like it all that much, it seemed to cheesy. Mollari looked more drunk than he is, G'kar was greener than usual and Delenn..woah, not touching that. A Call To Arms was most definetly good, but the way they kill that Death Cloud just really didn't cut it. Fire the biggest guns on your ship on a control center and BOOM the thing blows up, and it's supposed to be shadow tech too....I got the Movie DVD set JUST so I could see the Earth/Minbari War, and it was most definetly worth it.
Chris Blair said:
Yeah. I didn't really like Thirdspace much, it was basically just an extended B5 episode with no big connection to the rest of the plot. But The River of Souls was a good movie, not for the plots, but because of those funny things they threw in. Like when Garibaldi said "What? Ok. I'm as offended as you are. But I can see why alot of guys would rent this particular image." And the salesguy says "Actually it was mainly women." Zack and Garibaldi glare at him, and the Captain storms in. The look on her face was priceless. And The Gathering affected the entire series, and sure, it's the pilot, but I didn't like it all that much, it seemed to cheesy. Mollari looked more drunk than he is, G'kar was greener than usual and Delenn..woah, not touching that. A Call To Arms was most definetly good, but the way they kill that Death Cloud just really didn't cut it. Fire the biggest guns on your ship on a control center and BOOM the thing blows up, and it's supposed to be shadow tech too....I got the Movie DVD set JUST so I could see the Earth/Minbari War, and it was most definetly worth it.

Actually it was ram the most advanced ship in your fleet into the command center and the Deathcloud gets taken out by its own weapons.

My favorite seasons were 3 and 4. As for Legend of the Rangers I liked it but they shouldn't have tried to make it part of B5.
I must say if someone could have deflated JMS's huge ego Legend of the rangers wouldn't have been so horrid. I sure hope something happens to the B5 universe soon that is worth buzzing about.

Dragon1 said:
My personal favourite in sci-fi TV shows. Cool aliens, cool character development, awesome battles involving Capital Ships and Fighters (this the first time I've seen this done well. Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers don't count), politics, and Colonel 'Seether'.

Nothing beats the Omega-class Destroyer and Thunderbolt Starfury combination!

Omega-X-class and Thunderbolts, Victory-class and Thunderbolts, and Warlock-class and Thunderblots all beat the regular Omega and Thunderblots.
Yeah the ones seen briefly in one Season 4 episode when Ivanova encounters them while commanding a group of White Stars...and destroys them
Claymore said:
I'm just surprised they never made a B5 space shooter.

I know, you gotta be a french fashion designer to unearth a 10-day-old thread, but there actually is a finished B5 space shooter, but based on the IWar2/EOC modding platform. And it turned out pretty good. If you like the series, which I never fully accomplished.

Well, maybe it's old news, but here's the link anyway:

[Now I hope I haven't committed a sacrilege by mentioning FS2, ah.., BCM, ah.., IW2...] :p
Dundradal said:
Yeah the ones seen briefly in one Season 4 episode when Ivanova encounters them while commanding a group of White Stars...and destroys them

And gets hammered in the process. the Warlock is even more powerful then the Omega-X. According to it has two planetary-defense grade Particle Beams.
does the warlock even show up in B5? I remember hearing about it but forget if it is actually ever shown during the show...