Anyone playing WoW?

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:d ~~~ , true. Now I got my pala up to lvl32, and it does suk.
Great vid, seen that before. Wel, only point of the pala is the Free Horse.
It's 1.9 patch day today! This is the paladin revamp, and the one that introduces trolls as a playable race!
And in 1.8 they unfucked Combat Rogues like me. More than +5% to hit finally. I guess Fury Warriors and Survival Hunters can be happy, too.

All those Assassination and Subtlety bitches out there can stop lording their high special damage over me. Now I'll never miss, and my white damage kicks the shit out of Dagger.

Maybe the Alliance will win a freaking PvP round for once.

Edit: Good friggin god, it's 80MB.

Edit2: I just reread your post, Petey. Are you being sarcastic about Trolls, or am I missing something, here? I think stupid, stupid Blood Elves and even stupid, stupider most-likely-Draeni won't show up until Burning Crusade.
Wow....I have no clue what all the crap everyone is spouting off about. (Yes, I know what World of Warcraft is)...based on all the posts above, doesn't sound like I'll ever try it.
Frosty said:
Edit2: I just reread your post, Petey. Are you being sarcastic about Trolls, or am I missing something, here? I think stupid, stupid Blood Elves and even stupid, stupider most-likely-Draeni won't show up until Burning Crusade.
Hah, yeah I'm parroting a crack from a recent SomethingAwful article on WoW. Troll racial abilities used to be really sucktacular, now I guess they've been revamped to the point where it's actually worthwhile to play a troll over... anything else.

Excepting the fact that trolls have the best dance animation evereleventyone

I have a serious character on Tichondrius, and super casual characters on Gurubashi.
Maj.Striker said:
Wow....I have no clue what all the crap everyone is spouting off about. (Yes, I know what World of Warcraft is)...based on all the posts above, doesn't sound like I'll ever try it.
There are a LOT of reasons not to play or try WoW. I don't think that's a particularly great one.
Not at all, the things mentioned by several different people above are all rather good reasons in their own right.

1. Have to commit a rather generous amount of time to the game in order to develop into anything (I admit this is rather typical of all MMORPGs).
2. The sheer number of character/races would leave me rather confused, what's the difference between a blood elf and a night elf?
3. Most importantly, it's just not my sort of thing. I liked Warcraft (1 and on up) for what it was initially...just another well polished RTS. I like to play for about 45 minute sessions and during that time I like lots and lots of action. I don't know for sure but I would imagine that if I just started WoW and tried to pick a fight with someone they would wipe the floor with me because they have "+24 levels of etc." because they've spent 100 hours building their characters. If I get beat by someone at a game I want it to be because they're better at it then me...not simply because they've built a better character.
Uhm, oh yeah. There were posts up there about how big of a time sink WoW is, and all that. I was thinking it was just people posting their servers and character levels and stuff.

If I was a night elf, I would use my shadowmeld ability to become invisible right now.
Yep, it does take alot of time But unlike other MMORPG, you got a little bonus for the time you spend offline. I didn't played my lvl14 hunter for about 2 weaks, and today under 30mins I become lvl 16 casue of teh "rested" bonus.
But still, it is important to go out instead of WoW. the worst that can happen after an hour spent outside is that you'll like the idealisti world of warcraft even more :D
WoW is a fun game when done in moderation.

You do get rested bonuses for logging in capital cities or inns, you get double xp for a max of a level and a half in combat.

It fooled people from the traditional grind by making it a quest based system, but its just a whole different grind.

My biggest beefs with the game is the end game content, and the fact that the game forces you to group and/or raid in PvP or final instances to get high end gear. Its a loot based economy and you will find yourself farming a whole lot trying to either get the things you want, or the gold to buy it from the Auction House (at constantly inflating prices).

The bad stuff aside, its the biggest MMORPG in the world, and pretty much the best 2nd generation MMORPG, and the lessons in it will mold the future games.

Personally I am on a constant lookout for the Age of Conan MMO, it loooks very very interesting.
PeteyG said:
It's 1.9 patch day today! This is the paladin revamp, and the one that introduces trolls as a playable race!

That's nothing new. We've been playing with trolls at the CIC for more than seven years.
EU server al'akir lvl 60 tauren shaman
EU server sylvanas lvl 23 human paladin & lvl 26 nelf hunter
Quited WoW before christmas because I really didnt like the way things were going.:confused: Mostly I mean that mindless repgrinding for pvp/pve and the honor system. Meh to get rank 12-13 you have to play WoW 24h. For rank 14 its 48h or so I heard meaning bye bye social life. All in all I did like the game at start, hehe was lucky I rolled tauren shaman as my 1st char. Didnt know they would become the symbol of overpowerdness later. But yeah the endgame becomes later more of a job then something you do for fun.:( Altough some of the battlegrounds can be fun the game starts to repeat itself to much meaning 50% you grind money and exp and 30% playing in BG and rest of 20% doing raids. For the end I would say it was a nice game but I think WoW has reached its peak and the only way its going is down IMHO. :D
Lazy Panda said:
If I was a few years younger I'd give WoW a try, but currently I haven't got the time for an MMORPG.

Well, you're probably not going to ever have much more time in the future.
Those who are playing WOW...anyone interesting forming up a guild?
It would be wing commander fans or something and we have to decide which server we play or something?

How about the -

Guild of Tolwyn
Black Lance
Tri-Nations (Confed, Border Worlds and Kilrathi)
The Assembly

These are just only thoughts for names and I am open to any suggestions whatsoever
I play on a RP/PVP server and I straight-out stalk fuckers who insist on dragging a separate continuity into the game.

I try to make sure the surrounding mobs kill them, for that nice durability penality.
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