"And the last Kilrathi planet in the sector falls!" (February 2, 2012)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Tim Peel has put together another gorgeous scene with Howard Day's models. In this new image, he's beautifully recreated the Venice Assault from the end of the original Wing Commander. Flights of Hornets play escort as the Claw advances. You can grab this wallpaper in two resolutions: 1920x1080 and 2560x1440. Let Tim know what you think at the CIC Forums.

Howard Day was kind enough to share his fantastic Tiger's Claw model with me so I thought I'd take a crack at recreating a famous scene from Wing Commander. Hopefully, if I've done my job well enough, fans will be able to recognise it! I really can't stress how fantastic Howard's model is. I get an incredible nostalgia trip when working with it. :) This was one of my favourite ships from my childhood and I hope to do a few more images with her yet.

Have a great one,

Original update published on February 2, 2012
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Thanks for the kind words, guys. I'm glad you like the image. It was fun to recreate that shot. :)

I'm definitely keen to do some more renders with Howard's fantastic Tiger's Claw model. If anyone has and requests or ideas for a WC1 era scene, let me know!

Although it received a rather lukewarm reception over at Scifi-Meshes, I recently posted another WC1 image there recently that might interest some of you -


There are larger resolutions here:
The assault on Venice is a beautiful reproduction and looks menacing. The Hornet and Drayman formation seems a bit tight (I'm no expert), on your 2nd still, compared to how far away the Exeter is. You models look authentic and textures look detailed and seems to capture the color scheme of WC1.

As on what to make next, I would like to see one on the destruction of the Tiger's Claw.
The assault on Venice is a beautiful reproduction and looks menacing. The Hornet and Drayman formation seems a bit tight (I'm no expert), on your 2nd still, compared to how far away the Exeter is. You models look authentic and textures look detailed and seems to capture the color scheme of WC1.

As on what to make next, I would like to see one on the destruction of the Tiger's Claw.

Or an assault on the Venice Star Post itself! This is great work, I'm sure whatever comes next will be a treat.
I really like the Drayman convoy! Maybe use the models for some "quieter" scene... like we could see what it's like when Draymen (Draymans?) refuel the Tiger's Claw!
That's a neat idea, LOAF! Is there any canon material that hints at how the refuelling process works?

I'm visualising something similar to what modern navies do - pulling the ships along side and using flexible tethers to transfer fuel? If there's no info to go on, I'll just make it up as I go along but I'd like to take a stab at doing it right if there is info out there... :cool:
Also - If I'm going to do a shot like that, I'd better get the comparative size of the 'Claw and the Drayman's correct.

Looking at the CIC Ship Database, it appears that there's little debate about the length of the Drayman - 96 metres. The Tiger's Claw is a little harder to work out - There seems to be a bit of inconsistency on its length. I've seen anything from 625-700 meters. Anyone able to shed any light on this?
I don't think there's any data about the refueling - we just hear that it's happening sometimes in Wing Commander I.

The Tiger's Claw is 700 meters. The original Claw Marks explains that subsequent Bengals were shorter, the 'Claw was special.
Ah! That it explains it.

Thanks LOAF. I'll have a think about a replenishing shot. Currently working on another shot with the Claw. Hopefully I'll have something to show in the next few days. :)
I've had the Venice Assault as my wallpaper since it was posted on the main page, and one thing about it started to bug me just now: the shadows in the thruster nozzles seem out of place.
It might be interesting to do one of the scramble missions from WC1...something with all the carrier's fighters out there fighting off incoming Kilrathi. Better yet, how about a scene from Custer's Carnival?
I was thinking of maybe doing the WCP Midway front on shot (with the Midway in the middle and fighters in front) with the 'Claw and her fighters might be cool as well.

- for refueling - I'd picture it similar to underway replenishment today. The two ships close together with cables and hoses delivering the needed supplies to the carrier.
Another request: a flight of Hornet's over the Tiger's Claw in "missing man" formation that we can use in memorial news updates.
I've had the Venice Assault as my wallpaper since it was posted on the main page, and one thing about it started to bug me just now: the shadows in the thruster nozzles seem out of place.

You know - I never noticed that at all until now. I agree - it looks odd and now I can't help noticing it either. Thanks a lot! ;) I'll take a look at the scene and re-render at some point. Anything to stay on your desktop a bit longer! :D

Thanks again for the latest suggestions. Certainly some good ideas there. Hopefully I'll have something to show in the next few days.
Wonderful render, thanks for sharing! Also, nothing new here, but IIRC there are some refueling scenes in WC2 Special Operations. Though the scenes feature different transports and fighters, the concept is probably pretty similar to how it would have been done during the Drayman's reign.