About Freelancer and stuff

FL Information

I'd recommend you not claim 'fun factor' as a difference until the game is actually out.

You're right, I probably shouldn't have said that, but it sure looks more fun that Jumpgate IMO :)

Neuronet sounds like a comm device similar to the news networks in most games. What's so special about it?

Neuronet is the computer that controls your fighter! Again, read the control description at the link I posted earlier for more information.

Jumpgate is dynamic. Change may not be instantaneous, but the economy is largely based on at what rate traffic can come through, the system logs who 'controls' (via beacons) the various areas for amounts of time, and new additions (and new facilities) have become available based strictly on player actions (delivery of supplies).

Freelancer not only is dynamix in this regard, but also the actions that take place. Pirates attack cargo ships and random (and the next time you play, it probably won't happen!), your reputation affects what house will be friendly to you, how cargo ships will react when you approach, and whether pirates will target you, and so on.

My understanding of Freelancer is that there will be a single player campaign, and then after that's finished you can play it on-line. In short, the on-line version is only loosely tied to the single-play version. Once single-play is over, character development only continues as you personally choose to force the issue, much as in any MMOG.

Freelancer is a single-player storydriven game, with the possibility of a MMO sequal to be developed if FL sells good enough. This is why FL can't really be compared to JG or E&B at the moment.

It has nothing to do with opinion. It's got something to do with the fact that you're talking shit about WC and talking out of your ass in general.

I'm not talking shit about Wing Commander. I'm not saying anything untrue. If you can't handle the truth, then you have the right not to read it. But telling me I'm talking out of my ass because I replace fiction (read: opinion) with fact just crosses the line. Sophmoric insults have no effect on me, better get your wits together.

BTW, if you're planning on staying on crius, I suggest you do not do said stuff anymore and you don't even think about trying to talk shit to your elders.

Oh PLEASE, stop sucking up to these guys. Elders? I consider my elders to be my parents, grandparents, and people I respect. Remember, I'm the one who is being talked shit to the most. I'm the one who is taking it. I can handle it, but I guarantee you I am not just "talking shit" here.

LOAF's not the only person your pissing off around here. I haven't been around here long, but I know this doesn't fly (and if it does, not very easily and not very long).

You don't care that it pisses me off that there are people on this forum practically spreading lies about FL? I don't care if I'm banned, or this thread is deleted. That would be childish, of course, IMO, but there is no reason the the false words posted in this thread by others.

Anyways, I'm not trying to talk "shit" to WC here, I'm just telling you the facts. But if you want to make it personal, go ahead. I'm like Derek Smart in a way, I can take it and I can dish it out, and you definitely won't scare me away from merely posting the truth. Its so simple really, all you have to do is take fifteen minutes to inform yourself, but you just click reply and tell me I'm talking out of my ass. Think you can ever break the loop?
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know a conflict of fact and your opinion would spark such a urge to call me a trolling fan-boy, but nevertheless...

This is trolling. Do not do it.

Don't try to turn this into the self-righteous fanboy vs. the stupid n00b who doesn't know a good game from his mother's ass. I can't believe you have this attitude then have the gaul to call this a "friendly argument". Besides, calling each other fanboys is moot since almost everybody here is a fanboy, or they obviously wouldn't bother coming here.

This is trolling. Do not do it.

I never said WC was for 100% sure dead, I'd love for there to be some more sequals, but since there hasn't been an official WC product released to the public since early '99, I seriously doubt there will be anymore, and you can't tell me that any of you have doubts.

I have no doubts.

Lets leave your ego out of this for a bit, ok? Everybody knows all that crap Anyways, you openly admit that you no longer follow the news, though you claim that Freelancer has been "cut back" and could not live up to it's original vision. Ok, so you read the news a while back, but you still claim that it has been cut back and what not. Have you even bothered to check up on it? Obviously not, or you would have known that it is progressing quite well as I state.

I stoped caring about Freelancer *when* they told us it wouldn't live up to its original vision. A lot of the WC community did. Can you provide any proof that they changed their mind again?

Casual conversation is hardly a reliable source of information. Again, please tell me why you can call me a whacko yet call this a casual debate? Oh please... When was the last time you and your merry band of CIC'ers have been to DA? Did you get an interview? Did you write up a preview? Did you get to play Freelancer itself? In the last six months? Games in development are different from games that are almost done. Back to what I guess the main point is here, I may be less reliable than some print mag, but I'm not asking anybody to take my word for it. Simply do yourself a favor and go read up on it. It only takes like ten minutes and will save a lot of our time in the end.

That was my polite, non-chest-thumping way, non-jackass-bragging of saying that I'm friends with some of the people who've worked on the game. Take it as you will.

I have not been to DA in months, as I have been at home recovering from surgery and away from Austin. But I've had plenty of chances to speak to people who have been there and who are there.

Ah yes, of course we have to be paranoid, trust no one, etc. Thats why we go to E3 and see for ourselves, go to Austin and preview it with our (well, his) own eyes. As for Starlancer, I'm obviously not taking everything at face value if they claimed Freelancer will be cut back(read: old news) yet I'm saying it hasn't happened, and obviously I wouldn't say it if I and others didn't believe it to be true.
As for Roberts' departure, there were more possible reasons, but I won't go into that here.

We sent somebody to E3 last year.

Of course its your opinion, but when the highly respected webmaster of the only surving WC site says something, surely its true! So if someone thinks its true, they won't bother with Freelancer, and that only hurts it, either by them not buying it or not joining the community, which could stand to grow. Besides, like I've said, making Freelancer an X-box title at this moment would be impossible. Why? Read up.

I think there are plenty of Wing Commander sites out there. And if anyone honestly thinks that being a webmaster of a Wing Commander site makes me automatically right about everything, they don't deserve to play the wonderful perfect game you've invented in your head.

Please provide me with an article that *proves* that it's *impossible* to release Freelancer as an X-Box game. You seem to be very willing to rant and rave and such about how you have proof and articles and secret sources and a guy who lives under the street who records things for you -- provide them or shut up.

Excuse me, but this does not say "my opinion only" or anything similiar. You simply stated untruths as fact, and its right there for everyone to see. Its a little late to back out

Again, you have no proof of this, so why bother saying it? It sure doesn't look like opinion to me.

Of course they're my opinions, they're *things I posted*. People who are too stupid to assume

Don't get your hopes up. Besides, why would somebody want to buy a watered-down Freelancer clone?

This is trolling. Do not do it.

The paralellism is that its been delayed a while. Lots of games have been delayed. As lots of games have space and humans in them. Perhapse you should be put to sleep.

There is a noticable correlation between games that have been delayed for years and said games being let downs. Look at Strike Commander, BattleCruiser 3000, Daikatana, Outpost and so forth... it's not to say that this is the case with Freelancer, but it's something that worries people.

Blatant lie. I don't appreciate being called a trolling fanboy, which certainly isn't friendly.

Then stop trolling, Mister Brilliant. And then stop being a fanboy.

Lots of ways! The gameplay mechanics of Freelancer are totally different from any other space flight sim on the market, such as the neuronet, freeform universe, dynamic at that, and sheer fun factor Freelancer promises. Jumpgate didn't deliver, its rather boring. Besides, its a whole different genre - online only. Freelancer focuses on the single player aspects, such as story and character development.

I think they were going to do an online portion to Freelancer... BUT IT GOT CUT BACK!

I can continue on for a long time, as long as you keep obviously lying. But I recomend you try to learn all you can before your next round of insults!

You can continue if you're willing to argue in a civilized manner. Trolling isn't appreciated. No ones opinion is fact here -- going around stabbering that people don't automatically believe you because *you* read a web site isn't going to convince anyone of anything. Similarly, going around telling everybody "I"m right, back!" isn't going to win you any friends or any arguments. And attacking Wing Commander for no other reason than to get people riled up is the *definition* of trolling. Don't do it. Change your ways and you're *welcome* to continue on for a long time.
Re: FL Information

Originally posted by Tachyon
I'm like Derek Smart in a way, I can take it and I can dish it out, and you definitely won't scare me away from merely posting the truth.
Wow. Being compared to Derek Smart is normally considered an insult, you know. <G>
Re: FL Information

Originally posted by Tachyon
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know a conflict of fact and your opinion would spark such a urge to call me a trolling fan-boy, but nevertheless...

I think I speak for mostly everyone on this CZ when I say that I'll take LOAF's opinions over your "facts" any day. I mean, saying "trust me" and "I guarantee" a couple of times in your posts doesn't automatically turn your opinions, assumptions, and interpretations into "facts".

Well, I read the FAQ (educated myself! Kneel!). I even wrote up a big sarcastic response to it, but it seemed mean, so I trashed it. The game sounds exactly like the original Privateer or the original Elite, with the added ability to have a computer fly your ship. It's the same pick-your-career pick-your-weapons pick-your-allegience game that Privateer was -- down to having almost the same weapons.

That sounds fun. The interface might be neat -- it might suck. We don't know yet. But it's *just* Privateer redux, according to everything in that FAQ. Chris Roberts' originally planned a far different game.
Ok. I'm not even going to bother anymore. Firstly, you don't even bother to read up some recent news on the game before you go blabbing about it, then you attack me for daring to ask you to look at another game that isn't WC, which obviously appears to be blasphemy. What is so hard about reading up for fifteen minutes that you refuse to do it? You have it lodged in your mind that FL will suck! You twist me around to make it appear as if I'm purposely baiting you to attack me like this, when I'm not. I know what a troll is, and I hate trolls, and I'm definitely not trolling. And LOAF, I'll stop being a fanboy the day you stop being a fanboy.

I mean, you sit here and dissect my statements with small sentences like "We sent somebody to E3" without providing any proof yourself. I OFFER PROOF, all you have to do is take fifteen minutes to look for it. LOAF, I insist you start providing me proof that WC will indeed be revived.
Whats the deal? You call me stupid for reading something that you word as fact (yes, you DID word it as fact. Generally, you put IMO when its just your opinion) and then you want links to articles and stuff that say FL hasn't been cut back. You know how I know? Because I've actually bothered to take fifteen minutes to inform myself. Go to Yahoo! and type in Freelancer, go to TLR and read the FAQ and all the interviews, then read a preview or two. Its not THAT hard! I refuse to do it for you.

Your definition of a troll is someone who makes a thread that doesn't appear to kiss WC's ass. Simply because I'm correcting false statements made by YOU and your merry band doesn't mean I'm trolling. I am in fact telling you the truth. Don't believe me? (You obviously don't) Then just take the time to look for yourself. I can't make this anymore clear. I've tried to be civil, but you automatically make this personal before you've even half-read my post. You barely put any effort into makign worthwhile replies to my posts, which obviously means you don't have anything more to say other than the usual "Stop trolling. Please don't stupidify the thread" crap. Its a lot less subtle then you think. It couldn't hurt you people to actually be nice and have open minds for a few minutes.

As for Freelancer Online, it wasn't cut... It was shelved. Theres a big difference between "forget this" and "we'll make this later so we can focus on Freelancer" attitudes. Believe it or not, FL is coming, and sadly enough it just might benefit you by reviving the flight sim market. If anybody has enough intelligence (read: not automatically flaming) to actually read my thread and think about what I'm saying (read: take fifteen minutes to read about FL before you babble about it) let me know.

Edit: Ok, I see that you actually read the FAQ. You might try reading the interviews too. Like I said in my earlier post, I admit FL borrows heavily from Privateer on the concept, but is there anything wrong with that? Privateer didn't suck, it was great. WAS great. FL has a new story, new characters, new everything. It might just revolutionize the space flight sim market. Sounds like a great deal to me! So whats wrong here? I mean, believe it or not, FL is how it was intended. It sounds a lot better than whats out there.
Re: FL Information

Oh PLEASE, stop sucking up to these guys.

i'm not sucking up. I'm stating that they were here before us, and that they've done more for this board then we, so we owe them our respect for that. That's also what I mean by elders.

I'm not talking shit about Wing Commander.

No? Hows about, and I quote!: "watered-down Freelancer clone"

Let me remind you WC came BEFORE Freelancer.

Listen, I don't hate Freelancer, it would be stupid for me to say anything about it, because I don't know anything about it, except that it is in production. If it's like Starlancer, I'll buy it. I liked that game (well, the storyline wasn't too developed, but it was fun playing). Now, what you are doing is making an ASS out of yourself by saying it's the greatest game ever before it's even realeased and has had a chance to prove itself. It's one thing to be excited about a game, but this is beyond excited. This is almost brainwashed.
I owe my respect to no one. Not you, or LOAF. Just because someone sits in the forums and hits refresh every five minutes doesn't mean they've won my respect. And, as far as a watered-down clone goes, I mean any new WC game that might come out as a result of FL's possible success and revival of the space flight sim market. And no, I'm not saying its the greatest game ever, because I KNOW IT HASN'T BEEN RELEASED YET. I'm just saying it won't automatically suck like most of you are saying. I know that FL could suck, it could rock. But theres no reason to be so negative the way you guys are.
Ok. I'm not even going to bother anymore.

My first thought was *good*. But then there was a page long response after this.

Firstly, you don't even bother to read up some recent news on the game before you go blabbing about it,

I told you why I stopped caring about Freelancer -- you haven't given me a reason to start again. You've just ranted about how you have proof, how you hate Wing Commander and how we're all wrong because we dare have opinions that differ from *SOME GUY*.

then you attack me for daring to ask you to look at another game that isn't WC, which obviously appears to be blasphemy.

I don't think anyone has said anything like that. We'll defend Wing Commander -- but we wouldn't suggest anything like that. Most people here love other space sims... look at all the hot water I get in whenever I insult Freespace.

What is so hard about reading up for fifteen minutes that you refuse to do it? You have it lodged in your mind that FL will suck!

I don't think I ever said that FL will suck. All I said was that it wasn't what Chris Roberts planned. The fact that me saying this has set you off in this manner is what makes you a fan boy.

You twist me around to make it appear as if I'm purposely baiting you to attack me like this, when I'm not. I know what a troll is, and I hate trolls, and I'm definitely not trolling.

Peppering your responses with baiting comments is trolling. You were trolling.

And LOAF, I'll stop being a fanboy the day you stop being a fanboy.

And, ironically, you're still trolling.

I mean, you sit here and dissect my statements with small sentences like "We sent somebody to E3" without providing any proof yourself. I OFFER PROOF, all you have to do is take fifteen minutes to look for it.

I read your article (which you linked to after my last response...), and have already posted what I thought of it.

LOAF, I insist you start providing me proof that WC will indeed be revived.

Chris Roberts has teamed with a production company to develop a Wing Commander TV show.

Whats the deal? You call me stupid for reading something that you word as fact (yes, you DID word it as fact. Generally, you put IMO when its just your opinion)

No, *I* don't. And no one here does. We're smart enough to realize that anything anyone posts is their own opinion -- *no one* has the virtue of being able to post facts... not even you.

and then you want links to articles and stuff that say FL hasn't been cut back. You know how I know? Because I've actually bothered to take fifteen minutes to inform myself. Go to Yahoo! and type in Freelancer, go to TLR and read the FAQ and all the interviews, then read a preview or two. Its not THAT hard! I refuse to do it for you.

Ignoring the sad fact that I already read the FAQ... *why should we*? You've come to *our* message board to rant, and you're not even willing to provide proof? Check a search engine? You're TRYING TO PROVE A POINT. You have to provide facts, not just sit around telling everyone you're right.

Your definition of a troll is someone who makes a thread that doesn't appear to kiss WC's ass.

My definition of a troll is someone who tries to start a fight during a regular argument. As in "Freelancer is great because it has a mouse driven interface and you can by radical missiles andwingcommandersucks!". This is what you've been doing. Except the facts part.

Simply because I'm correcting false statements made by YOU and your merry band doesn't mean I'm trolling.

This is trolling.

I am in fact telling you the truth. Don't believe me? (You obviously don't) Then just take the time to look for yourself. I can't make this anymore clear. I've tried to be civil, but you automatically make this personal before you've even half-read my post. You barely put any effort into makign worthwhile replies to my posts, which obviously means you don't have anything more to say other than the usual "Stop trolling. Please don't stupidify the thread" crap. Its a lot less subtle then you think. It couldn't hurt you people to actually be nice and have open minds for a few minutes.

As is this.

As for Freelancer Online, it wasn't cut... It was shelved. Theres a big difference between "forget this" and "we'll make this later so we can focus on Freelancer" attitudes.

Nothing is ever *cut* in the gaming industry. Ultima Online 2 was "shelved", Crusader: No Mercy was "shelved", A-10 Warthog was "shelved", Warcraft Adventures was "shelved". It's PR speak for will never see the light of day.

Believe it or not, FL is coming, and sadly enough it just might benefit you by reviving the flight sim market.

What an eerie, semi-threatening thing to say. In my first post I believe I pointed out the *EXACT SAME THING*. That I was looking forward to Freelancer because it might help revive the space sim market...

If anybody has enough intelligence (read: not automatically flaming) to actually read my thread and think about what I'm saying (read: take fifteen minutes to read about FL before you babble about it) let me know.

You aren't worth fifteen minutes of my time. You're saying that you're right and that because you're right, you don't have to bother to provide proof. That's not saying much...
FL Information

Not really, I just think respect is earned, not given freely. I know I said I wasn't going to bother, but if you want me to do it myself, for the sake of reversing this "argument" I will.

Recent Q&A with FL Dev Team

Massive interview with the producers from June '01

Another Q&A from April '01

Nice article about FL written by Bargib

E3 2001 Overview

More interesting E3 2000 overview

Ship control system overview

Next, go here and download the Intro, trailer, gamestar.de video, and the E3 2000 mp3 where you can listen to the presenter play a mission while Chris Roberts narrates. The trailers all provide clues to other properties of FL, other than graphics. The intro may be too large to download for someone on ISDN but its definitely worth it if you havn't yet.

Here are some previews from misc sites that may be of interest to you.

Gamespot E3 2000 Preview

A preview of FL from E3 2001

And heres a link to a website that provides links to a whole bunch of previews

I also highly recomend this one simply because of it's size. Check it out :D

Thats it, short of a lot of misc facts we've learned along the way that I can't recall now.
Would you please stop trying to beat-off your ego around other people who already know the kind of foolish person you are. We don't want to hear your pathetic whining. Go somewhere else and leave the lot of us alone, you egocentric child.
Re: FL Information

Originally posted by Tachyon
I just think respect is earned, not given freely.


LOAF and the others who I respect around here have earned my respect and then some. They have done more for the WC-community then I ever will. And I never told you to respect me. That's for sure.
Woah people play nice now.

Anyone who doesn't see the Daikatana paralellism in Freelancer is a fucking moron, and should be put to sleep.

Yes, and notice the Derek Smart comment.

Things i've noticed about Daikatana Freelancer Battlecruiser.

All anticipated with high hopes.
all hailed as 'revolutionary' by some
All expected to 'be big'
All delayed extensively
All modified during development extensively.

now what you might expect soon if FL isn't good:
All failed miserably

Yes. I know this has little to do with your argument, But I'm not getting into it. If someone starts flaming me, I'm going to ignore it. I advise that you all do the same.

Would you please stop trying to beat-off your ego around other people who already know the kind of foolish person you are. We don't want to hear your pathetic whining. Go somewhere else and leave the lot of us alone, you egocentric child.

I'm not beating-off anything, and I certainly am not dragging my ego into this. As for me being a foolish person, several factors must be considered. First, you havn't met me, second, you have no idea what I'm like in person, third, I want some proof of my foolishness :p Besides, its not like I started this thread.

And Talyn, I have principles that regardless of others I will upkeep. One of them being that an individual must earn my respect if I choose not to give it. They may have earned the respect of others, but not mine. But I guess this isn't about philosophy :)
Re: Ego?

Originally posted by Tachyon
I'm not beating-off anything, and I certainly am not dragging my ego into this.

Then please stop posting. Your ego is fueling your arguement; there's several people here who are shooting you down at every turn and you refuse to be anything short of 100% correct.

In the words of Bruce Campbell, "Blow".

As for me being a foolish person, several factors must be considered. First, you havn't met me, second, you have no idea what I'm like in person, third, I want some proof of my foolishness

All those "factors" are silly. I don't want to meet you, since you seem like a bigger goofball than me and have the logical powers of a pail with a hole shot in it (Apologies to the pail).

Secoondly, I don't want to know what you're like face to face becuase I know the kind of person you are. You can't swallow your pride, you have to be right, you have to get in the last word or you curse and kick and bitch in your head at the person who ended up being right in the end. Know what that's common with? Childhood. Now go sit in your corner and think about your previous posts.

Third, if you can't see your foolishness, I don't blame you. The old saying goes, "The fox can't smell the stink of his own hole". Your problem is, you don't like being corrected or challenged by anyone.

Besides, its not like I started this thread.

Now that just makes me loose all respect what-so-ever for you. You come at me with a challenge to point out your faults, and you now shift blame to someone else. You are responsible for your own posts. Deal with it. Live with it. People don't seem to like you here, go on with your life, move on, do something. Just don't do it around me if you want to keep your teeth in your head.
Alright, I can't hold myself back any longer:D

Besides, its not like I started this thread.

Well, you've been adding fuel to the fire all during this. Even if you didn't start it, you've been keeping it going. Don't try to deflect the blame.

oh dear, I've continued it too. Oh well, it's fun!:cool:

Well, you obviously felt I was important enough to go to all the trouble to immitate me (remember, I talk out of my ass). I didn't come here just to drop my troll line (heh), the thread was started, I corrected some misconceptions, and all this ape shit happens. Since nobody here can keep themselves from degenerating a sincere thread into a flaming ape-shit war, I'll just drop it. Your loss :) Oh yeah, LeHah, I hope you are aware of the maturity you show off (or lack thereof) by posting that useless insult. Have a nice day!
You freakin' ***wipe

Originally posted by Tachyon
Your loss

I don't think so.

And drop the smilies. When most people use 'em, they seem friendly. When you use them and talk out of your ass, they're arrogant. Now GO AWAY!!

Is that somewhere near the general sentiment, guys?
I took the time to read through all the articles -- and the most interesting thing was Bargib's breakfast taco...

No, seriously -- these articles show exactly what I'm trying to say. Compare any 2000 article where Chris Roberts is talking about the game to any 2001 one where Microsoft is plugging it. Chris talks about a radical new interface and how the entire game will be in-engine, and how there'll be an entire universe you can connect to online and so forth... the post-Roberts ones describe Privateer.