AAAhhh!! Spiders are everywhere


What happened this time to bring this invasion of :eek: "bugs" :eek: on the forums. I am gone for several days and I come back to find a "major battle" has occurred. :D :D ;)
I am talking about the HUGE number of google spiders on the site right now and for the past several days because the record for most on the site has been broken.

I was just asking what has happened to cause this explosion of google spiders in the forums in the form of a "mildly funny" joke.
Now would be a *perfect* time for a moderator to close the thread and post: "Squish."

This is why *I* should be given power!!!!
You don't have arachnophobia do you? Hope not.


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Playing that actually conqured my arachnophobia. But just try squashing a spider the size of a tank. Or a trapdoor spider. that would be scary. Walk up over their burrow, it jumps out and you're dead meat.

By the way, you know what is meant by google spiders?
Google spiders, as I understand it, are the web-bot programs deployed by Google in search of new sites to be search-enginised. Periodically, they go out of control and converge on the CIC, presumably intending to slaughter anyone that stands in their path.
Yeah. :D :D :D

I wasn't even foresure until someone told me that "search engine name" spiders were people who came to this site using a search engine.
Maybe I'm not the only Spirit fan out there and people are looking up everything they can about her. Whih as far as people coming to the chatzone goes, can't be a bad thing, can it?
I suspect some burgers are made out of spiders. The taste of them isn't nice at all, and I wondered what they were made from if not beef.
Iceblade said:
Yeah. :D :D :D

I wasn't even foresure until someone told me that "search engine name" spiders were people who came to this site using a search engine.
I first got to this site with a search engine, but I was searching for some Wing Commander 3 things....
And I joined the forums much BEFORE you. Yet, me being stupid forgot my password, and even before that forgot to change it. Good thing I saved it on the computer somewhere.