A way to prevent the Kilrathi invasion?


At my company some woman had this idea to prevent the Kilrathi invasion. She said she thinks in Action Stations the novel says how Confed had decades to prepare for the Kilrathi invasion. If so, then Confed could have increased its fleet during that time Like maybe build several thousand fake carriers, fake destroyers, fake corvettes, fake cruisers, fake frigates, and fake battleships out of plastic or something else (Confed could just build their fake look alike hulls and fake look alike turrets) and station them in orbit of Confed planets. Thousands of fake ships would also be good for the economy - it would be a source of jobs. Then broadcast (and keep broadcasting) throughout Confed space how Confed has built up a huge fleet for self-defense, say how big the fleet is, and that the citizens can be assured their planets will be well defended. And have false broadcasting that enlistment of Confed Armed Forces personnel has gone off the scale - that more and more people keep signing up. She thinks that would have deterred any Kilrathi invasion of Confed space for sure - the Kilrathi, after learning of such a huge Confed "fleet" guarding all the Confed planets, would never have invaded. During World War II the Allies used many fake inflatable tanks to fool the Nazis.
What kind of missile is that? What are they? How do they work? I never seen any of those in any of the Wing Commander games. In what missions are they available and in which of the Wing Commander games can they be found in?
The Confederation didn't encounter the Kilrathi until 2629 - the war started only five years later. There were no decades in which to prepare.
This makes me sad. I'm wish I knew girls in real life who liked to talk about Wing Commander. My love life would definitely pick up more. ;)
And I doubt they'd just walk away. They'd do some probing attacks with pirates and the like, which they could disavow later if they had to, to see how strong the defenses really were. The secret would get out of the bag pretty quick.
Anyway, a free economy can't maintain an indefinite military buildup - that's something history has shown us again and again.
overmortal said:
Ryock, I was thinking the same thing. Unfurlable Screens!

Nah, just clone George Washington then sick him on the Kilrathi. Two days, tops.
I was thinking that they'd blackfuel engines to power those fake corvettes and fake carriers. Personally, I wonder how fake ships would've done jobs that real ships do - that is, to go places and smash things. Otherwise, you might as well build real space stations with real fighter wings, if you're only thinking of a defensive posture. Advertising just how big your fleet is won't do anything if said fleet does nothing save float around some planets without moving into a defensive posture.

Heck, the first time the Kilrathi invaded a system, the gig would be up. :D
Really to have prevented the war the Iason could have tried to contact the Kilrathi another way than with radiation. Then the Kilrathi High Command may have attempted to meet the Confederation, POSSIBLY averting the war.
Anxiety said:
Really to have prevented the war the Iason could have tried to contact the Kilrathi another way than with radiation. Then the Kilrathi High Command may have attempted to meet the Confederation, POSSIBLY averting the war.

The radiation in question was a wide-band non-verbal greeting, not exactly really threatening emissions...

And seriously if Rommel was in command of confed it would so be over in 13 hours...GW and Patton are weak...long live super polymer missiles...
Rommel? Nah... I'm thinking... Space Marshal Lee, with Admirals Rommel, Patton, and Jackson leading forward units.
The Iason could've just flashed peaceful images on an external display and the kats would've still attacked. The Kilrathi culture is built entirely around conflict and agression.

And, y'know, the various jokes regarding previous comments by JR are getting kinda old, people. I know it's the nature of the INTARWEB for people to beat every last ounce of humor out of anything (see AYB), but supposedly y'all are reasonably intelligent people, surely you can find something new.

(And using beat-to-death "humor" in general to hijack a serious thread is getting really fucking old.)
The main reason that there was no military buildup in the time leading up to the attack on MacAulliffe is because the leaders of the Confederation government thought that it wasn't needed. At the beginning of Action Stations there is quite a bit about how the Senate is cutting the defense budget to the point where Confleet not only can't afford new fighters, but they can't even afford to overhaul their old ones.
Wouldn't thousands of fake ships just be a huge waste of resources that could be used to build hundreds of real ones in the same ammount of time?