A little WC Comic Strip...


I was bored......Let me know what you think.


Color blue needs some tweaking, and the font doesn't match, but it's just for fun.


  • WC_Comic.jpg
    165.4 KB · Views: 428
That was amusing! Not sure how you did it. You may want to make the Kilrathi a foot or two taller to make them more menacing and for accuracy.
New Comic Strip!!!

I'm glad that everyone enjoyed the first one, so here's another...

I was going to have Angel say something like, "How did all of you get in here?", but I think her reaction sells the scene.



P.S. In the first comic, I meant to flip Thrakhath horizontally. It would've looked better that way, oh well...


  • WC_Comic_2_Final.jpg
    190 KB · Views: 399
Hey, those are neat Leader. You might want to use one of the preexisting colors for text and save them as gif files in the future. The file size should be about the same, but you won't have any distortion around the captions or scene, since WC2 was made in 256 colors.
Hey, those are neat Leader. You might want to use one of the preexisting colors for text and save them as gif files in the future. The file size should be about the same, but you won't have any distortion around the captions or scene, since WC2 was made in 256 colors.

You're right. I forgot all about JPG compression when I was making these. On top of that, I was saving them using medium quality out of Photoshop to keep them under 200KB. Next time I'll use GIF as you suggested. I'll also use the color picker in Photoshop to match the text color perfectly. I just wish I had the same font that they used. One way to get around that would be to copy/cut letters and words from the screen captures, but that would be time consuming and I'd have to line everything up.

I'm glad everyone has enjoyed these, now I just need a clever idea for my next one.


It is pretty funny how exaggerated their facial expressions are. I think the possibilities would be endless. But I love the look on Hobbes' face in the yarn one. Very tasteful. Excellent work.
Secret Project Complete!

I just finished up a little WC2 movie based on the "Budweiser True" commercial. The commercial where they all go wassup! I actually did video captures of the game and did my best to match the audio (without going overboard). It came out great! I'm guessing I have to talk to Bandit LOAF or ChrisReid to upload it as I can't attach a video file.
