A happy ending to a tragic story.........

Everybody Gets Some!!

And btw: Wc3 and wc3 ks had midi's for music. The wc3 ks midi's were of better quality though.
I also load up Armada and listen to the Kilrathi tunes! Crank it up and drive the wife nuts!! (she always tries to out-volume me with a jambox with her Tina Turnner!) HELP!!:eek:

Go WC Music!
people may call me corny but here are some of my favourite WC musics:
Wing Commander movie theme
Wing Commander 1 debrief 3
Wing Commander 1 Intro
Wing Commander 2 Cutscene
Wing Commander 2 torpedo
Wing Commander 2 Kilrathi
Wing Commander 2 Inflight 6
Wing Commander 3 Behemoth
Wing Commander 3 Credits
Wing Commander 3 Intro
Wing Commander 4 credits
Wing Commander 4 End
favourite sound effect HAS to be the cloak sound
I liked the kilrathi theme in wc2.
But now my three favourites are :
WC4 - Confronting Tolwyn, War Averted, Tolwyn's Death
WC3 - Intro
WC2 - Cutscene 1

By the way I remember the first time I saw the WC2 Intro (where we first hear the Kilrathi theme). Wahoo, it really was like a movie ! Now all games have an intro, but I think WC2 was the first one. Am I right ?
Those new WC4 tunes didn't sound very exciting to me. Were they supposed to be BG music for the movies?
The Song, "Confronting Tolwyn, War Averted, Tolwyn's death" is great, especially that bit that would take place in the trial around 2 minutes into the song, now that is a moving piece
Originally posted by Mav23
Did anyone here like Prophecy's hard rock take?

No...I liked the music from KS at the beginning when your flying thru an asteriod belt and your ship changes to an Excalibur.
rather abrubt... I liked that opening scene too, the music was alright... but when I'm busy watching Dralthi's being blown out of the sky, I don't really pay that much attention to the musical score.
so why didn't you like the Prophecy rock? It didn't seem too Wing Commandery, but hey, whatever floats your boat...
I think, since it's basically "Wing Commander: The Next Generation", that they should of done an updated version of the original Wing Commander theme from WCI, like they did with Star Trek and Star Trek: TNG.