12 o' Clock Mike
Hi, I'm new to the forums, but I am also a Wing Commander fan. I've WC1 all the
way to Prophecy but sadly didn't get a chance to play Armada, Privateer and Priv
In my flash animation assignment, I was required to do a short movie of a 10
second animation. Instead of doing just a simple animation doing the bare
minimum, I wanted to do more. I wanted to a movie. About WING COMMANDER!
But it was alot of work trying to draw and animate flight choreography. I just
did what Chris Roberts did: do different view perspectives and change them to
make a movement.
So here it is:
I hope you like it. Oh and please be patient with the intro text. I know I know,
just bear it.
way to Prophecy but sadly didn't get a chance to play Armada, Privateer and Priv
In my flash animation assignment, I was required to do a short movie of a 10
second animation. Instead of doing just a simple animation doing the bare
minimum, I wanted to do more. I wanted to a movie. About WING COMMANDER!
But it was alot of work trying to draw and animate flight choreography. I just
did what Chris Roberts did: do different view perspectives and change them to
make a movement.
So here it is:
I hope you like it. Oh and please be patient with the intro text. I know I know,
just bear it.