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  1. B

    What ever happened to the good old FMV?

    Thank god for Wing Commander. I would be so disappointed if the next WC just has crappy 3d videos. Anyone remember Jedi Knight? Those were some great FMVs, but I have come to understand that Jedi Knight 2:Jedi Outcast (release date: March 29) will not have FMVs in it.
  2. B

    This is probably a stupid request...

    ...but, does anyone out there have KS they would like to sell (god only knows why), or information to it's whereabouts, besides ebay? Thanks.
  3. B

    Kilrathi Saga?

    Does anyone know where to get KS for less than 100 dollars? It cannot be found anywhere, except Ebay, for a million dollars (sarcasm). Any help woud be apprectiated.
  4. B

    Wing Commander3

    Hi there. Does anyone know if there is a way to view the cockpit in WC3 for Playstation? I know that it can be done for PC, but I can't seem to figure it out.