Wing Commander women

luminon said:
Where is that pic from? She looks almost completely different here. I have to say she is much nicer with her hair let out than tied back like it is in WCP. If they traded in Stilleto for... this different person then she would be right up there with Panther in my eyes.

It's from a movie called Tomcats, she plays a character called Jill
criticalmass said:
From reading all this, I really fear what an EA focus group designer will extract and write into the script for a new game... - the double helix will turn out to be an all-supermodel amazon race rampaging the universe to get the most complete genome pool ever, and your job is...

No, no. No.

Then our job would probably be to save Maniac from them. :(
Bla1r said:
i'm pretty sure Sosa would look hot in sexy clothes and all made up

I'd like to hear her sing. Maybe something like a love ballad or something. :D
You know, just stand there in the middle of the flight deck and sing to her heart's content. :)
Romance, Envy, Friendship, female Kilrathi, the five genders of the Nephilim, a kitschy wedding scene..: I bet it's all in the Privateer 3 Script.

**hum, hum, hum-da-hummmm**
Since pre-WC3 women were left out I'll run through a few of them. Minx was cute for a cartoon character; the way her head was tilted was sexy. Plus aggressive women turn me on ;) Sparks looked okay too; I really wish she hadn't been on the Concordia when it was shot down or we might have seen her in the movies, and the way she is described in the books (End Run/Fleet Action/False Colors) she was a hottie. Taryn Cross (Privateer) looked good, but then again she had the same face as Tayla, the Merchants Guild officer, and the Pleasure Base bartender (she's probably the best looking of the generic female faces.)

Anyways, as far as the "real life" women...well Rachel was always kinda slorish (slore = cross between 2 guessable names.) Panther was cute but her personality had no sex appeal. Cobra was scary, maybe she'd look better under different circumstances but her blind hatred really kills it for me. Angel (WC3) was sexy and I love her accent, but her real life character only had 3 scenes (4 if you count the opening scene repeated by Thrakhath's 'scene from hell') so I dunno. Angel (movie) never really fit the personality I pictured her to have in the games so it took a lot from her; Saffron Burroughs is attractive but she looks way better in other movies. Flint had a lot of breathy sex appeal and I love the long hair, but Stilletto was better looking. So if I had to pick one, I'd have to pick....

Melissa Banks! (Priv2) How could she have been left off the list??? :)
OH Yeah I forgot to include Sosa, she was beautiful. And the girl Maniac tries to pick up in the beginning of WC4 was hot. Lynn Murphy had a chance but I just cant get into two-dimensional women :D
Mordecai said:
Sparks looked okay too; I really wish she hadn't been on the Concordia when it was shot down or we might have seen her in the movies, and the way she is described in the books (End Run/Fleet Action/False Colors) she was a hottie.

She was on the Tarawa when the Connie went down. She saved Bear from the Coventry in as flash back inf False Colours. SO yeah she is still alive
Yeah oops of course....guess I was trying to find some justification for her not being in the movies. Quite an oversight