Wing Commander Toolbox


I want to give the thanks to UnnamedCharacter (and the members) that have been made possible WCTools. I'm a former translator of videogames (retro videogames) in, in Spanish language.

I know what difficult is to do a set of tools that makes the complete possibility of translate a game into another language.

So. THANKS A LOT for this tools.

Right now I have translated WC1, graphics, briefing, modules, etc... with WCTools. Now i began to do the same for WC1 SM 1. The only thing I did with my own method are the .exes (WC.EXE, TRANSFER.EXE). I do this because in spanish the sentences are normally a bit more larger and I need to change the offsets of the strings to accomodate them and have a more "spanished" version.

I have a question though, let's see if anyone can help me. It is related to FONTS.FNT file. I have successfully added all the needed special chars (for the 4 sets of the fonts). I would hope that some chars like Á, É... (upper case wants) would have a bit more space, if not the letter gets a bit small and I don't like the result. The lowercase letters are all ok.

But this is not the question. The question is if the glyphs of the second set that have some strange chars between "FONTS.FNT-FontBlock001-GlyphItem240" and "FONTS.FNT-FontBlock001-GlyphItem255" are used in any place and/or if they can be modified?

I need the position of this glyphs for some special spanish chars. But I don't know if they are used somehow. I have put right now the special spanish chars in another position, but I would like to know if I can use this mentioned positions.

Thanks a lot in advance.

PD: Some of the work:





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Hi. Came here to remind you that

A set of corrected files would be nice. Game data files have been uploaded many times before, so I would say go ahead. I would suggest starting a new forum thread so you or others can easily track them.

As for the sector names, unfortunately they are not in the game data files, but hardcoded in the executable. So technically it can be changed, but not easily.

Make sure to let everyone know when those videos are up.

Hey. It was like more than four years ago when I wrote here what I wanted to do with your work of art. Never dropped it, and finally here's some -
The Improved GAMEDAT files project. With WC translation versions booming around, I think it's a good timing to reveal it.

Once again, thanks for your work. Just how amazing your project has become since you've kicked it off.
Hi, thanks for the improved gamedat files.

I'm using WCToolbox 6.0.0 beta 1 and I have exported all until now correctly. But there is a line in BRIEFING.001 (line 2392 of the .xml file) that is exported this way:

<DialogItem Commands="[89]:ou're kidding! Two poorly defended tankers and you come back blanked.;" FacialExpressions="" LipSyncText="" Text="Bimorgameslikwincamandertoo" />

It seems that this is fixed in improved GAMEDAT.
I think there is a Error on briefing.001 ( XML Line 2390 )

<DialogItem Commands="[89]:ou're kidding! Two poorly defended tankers and you come back blanked.;" FacialExpressions="" LipSyncText="" Text="Bimorgameslikwincamandertoo" />

Command Code, lipsync and text are mixed

EDIT: Oops ... I can only see that now. I didn't even regist the preview post from L@Zar0


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I finished the translation into Spanish of WC1 with SM1 & 2. You can download it for free at

I'd been working from some days with WC2 translation using also WCToolbox.

It seems to work pretty well also, but it seems that WC2 has some limitations with the charset (at least with SET 00 of FONTS.FNT).

I can use 0x80, 0x81 and 0x82 from ascii table to use some of the spanish special chars. I must use the rest of chars in another ascii first 127 positions. If not they do not work because it seems that WC2 uses the upper 127 bytes as in-game variables.

But even using 0x80, 0x81 or 0x82 I have some problems because it seems that WC2 uses somehow the letters written to print the mouth graphics. And when using this over 127 ascii values, it prints a very odd image.

Anyone has seen this issue? Any ideas?
Ok, finally I found the solution for the FONT SET 0 and used the chars below 0x80 of the ascii table, like [, ], \, <, >, =, plus others and they seems to work ok. I have finished the translation for the base game of WC2 also. Right now I have ended testing WIN and LOSE missions cinematics and they seem to be excellent.

Looking the French original version it seems to have all the needed chars, even for Spanish language, over the 0x80 glyphs. But I'm not sure how it is done (and the .EXE must be outdated) to make the same in English .EXE.

But I have seen a very odd issue with the last FAIL mission of WC2, in Gwynedd System, the Gwynedd B 4 mission.
(You can check this with the command line: "WC2 Origin -k s12 m3")

It seems to repeat the Briefing part two times.

I will explain. I see the history cinematic, and at the end, it seems to go out to fly the mission, but returns to the base menu (you can see also the Briefing). Then I see the Briefing cinematic (repeats the cinematic seen in View history), and then it really goes to fly the mission.

Anybody has solved this issue? Or is even updatable?
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Ok, I have ended the spanish translation of WC2 plus expansions. Here is the link:

Some screenshots:








Now I want to translate the last game not sold in spanish language of this series, Wing Commander: Privateer. Armada and Academy weren't either translated, but I don't pretend to do the translation into spanish of this games.

I'm checking right now Privateer. I have extracted a bunch of files and graphics, but there is one that I can not find.

Where are the main menu graphics of the beggining of the game? The one that says New/Load/Options/Quit? I want to translate this. I found the second submenu (calibrate joystick, etc...), but not the main menu... :(

PD: Ok, found main menu. xD :)
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Thanks for the Likes and compliments. ;)

I want to ask something to the experts of the forums.

Is there any possibility to activate VOICES + SUBTITLES in Privateer? I have completed the translation of vanilla Privateer game. Now I want to do Righteous Fire.

I readed other posts/forums and some people say that developers didn't implement it because of the difficulty to synchronize timings (more or less).

I have activated this for the 3 .exe files of WC2, and I can see subtitles + voices at the same time. At least for the cinematics (not in-flight, although It would have been interesting).

Is there some method to do this in PRCD.exe file? I checked some things disassembling the .exe, but it is a bit difficult for me to find something to make this possible... :( Any help could be appreciated.

Thanks a lot.
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Thanks for the Likes and compliments. ;)

I want to ask something to the experts of the forums.

Is there any possibility to activate VOICES + SUBTITLES in Privateer? I have completed the translation of vanilla Privateer game. Now I want to do Righteous Fire.

I readed other posts/forums and some people say that developers didn't implement it because of the difficulty to synchronize timings (more or less).

I have activated this for the 3 .exe files of WC2, and I can see subtitles + voices at the same time. At least for the cinematics (not in-flight, although It would have been interesting).

Is there some method to do this in PRCD.exe file? I checked some things disassembling the .exe, but it is a bit difficult for me to find something to make this possible... :( Any help could be appreciated.

Thanks a lot.
You can add in Privateer CDRelease in the priv.cfg or rv.cfg a command how

--- snip ---
--- snip ---

this activate a part of Subtitles how "talk with barkeeper" etc.

"texton" argument can be found in the prcd.exe (CD Release) but not in the Floppy Version.

How did you Make and Compile the Treedata
If i unpack the OBJECTS.tre and pack them without modifcation to the OBJECTS.tre and copy this to the Privateer Directory. Privateer is now searching and looking for all the files. Which are located in OBJECTS.tre. In the parent directory. ?
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You can add in Privateer CDRelease in the priv.cfg or rv.cfg a command how

--- snip ---
--- snip ---

this activate a part of Subtitles how "talk with barkeeper" etc.

"texton" argument can be found in the prcd.exe (CD Release) but not in the Floppy Version.

How did you Make and Compile the Treedata
If i unpack the OBJECTS.tre and pack them without modifcation to the OBJECTS.tre and copy this to the Privateer Directory. Privateer is now searching and looking for all the files. Which are located in OBJECTS.tre. In the parent directory. ?
I looked this texton thing, but it seems not to work with intro cinematic and in-flight communications (there are some communications in-flight needed to continue history, like the Steltek encounter or others). So I prefer to leave all the subtitles active changing in prcd.exe the instances of "speech.pak" (3 instances) for another thing like "speecx.pak". So, you always can see subtitles (without voices but with soundFX). Maybe it would be interesting leave the cinematic ones. The problem here is the intro/end cinematics, it seems they use own .VOC files outside the SPEECH.PAK file and they were there from the first release of the game. Another choice would be create the translated .VOC files by our own. I tryied it, but I can not get the correct format and the speech in the .VOC file is cutted when playing inside the game.

About the treedata files, I used this method for "unpack":

wctoolscmd.exe Priv1:PC:UnmakeTree PRIV.TRE

This creates a "priv.tre" folder with all the files unpacked. Inside, in the root of the folder, you will see "DATA" folder, "SPEECH.PAK", "PRIV.TRE.PADDING" AND "PRIV.TRE.SCR". You will need all of this to recreate the TRE file.

For packing it again, I use:

wctoolscmd.exe Priv1:PC:MakeTree PRIV.TRE.SCR

The ".SCR" file is the script which includes all the files of PRIV.TRE.

Of course, you will need to UnmakeTree, UnmakeData, UnmakeShape to obtain the concrete files that are at lower subfolders. It is a hard work, but the translation can be done. Also, if you change the .XMF files with the names, you will need the MSDOS tool included in WCToolbox, XMIFF to recompile the .IFF file.
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Ok, I've checked some things, and finally I'm thinking on leave SUBS+VOICES for in-flight comms in WC Privateer. They are not perfect, but are very intuitive. The last message normally lasts 1-2 seconds in disappear, but I think the result is pretty good.

For in-game dialogues I used the texton thing. It works very well.

And for intro cinematics I have done the voices with text-to-speech with spanish speaker, and they are good (but not professional :(). So, I have now all the game with voices + subs or spanish voices. Maybe the intro can be modified also to present voices+subs, but I don't want to check this, there are only a few voices and they can be done easily.
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One question.

Is possible to "extract/unpack/unmake" the text part of the files and "import/pack/make" again them into the .TRE files for WC3/WC4?

Altough WC3/4/5 were released in spanish, I would like to maintain the syntax/naming format of WC1/2 AND I would like also to review the text in cinematics mostly. But I think that right now this is not possible to do with WCToolbox 6.0.0beta, right?

We have finished the translation into Spanish of Wing Commander Privateer & Righteous fire. Another person has helped me to do the betatesting and review the texts. You can find it here:

And here we have some screenshots:












Please, if anybody knows how to edit WC3/WC4/WC5/Priv2 texts, let me know. Right now it is not possible with WCToolbox 6.0.0beta.
Thanks a lot to UnnamedCharacter again. He has been credited as the author of the tool which I have done the translation.
I was thinking here with WCToolbox

it would be possible to create a working Source port out of it using the extracted and edited files?
and even add new graphics?

if privateer runs on WC1 and 2 engine, using wcdx src to create a source port that reads Privateer's files wouldn't be a bad idea.
im saying this because Privateer gold is long dead the source code is lost.
I was thinking here with WCToolbox

it would be possible to create a working Source port out of it using the extracted and edited files?
and even add new graphics?

if privateer runs on WC1 and 2 engine, using wcdx src to create a source port that reads Privateer's files wouldn't be a bad idea.
im saying this because Privateer gold is long dead the source code is lost.

You don't mean a source port. Data port?

That's what WCIV Remake is, and is coded with the expectation that it will be extended to other titles in the franchise.

Now what would be really useful for the wctoolbox would be intermediate formats. If you could just specify the game and get back all the data/ specific data in uncompressed common formats that would be huge for the community, not just with remakes but with all kinds of potential projects. That's easily 50% of the remakes work.
It’d also want to be coded as a utility library with source available.

If the process was two way you could really easily mod the original games.
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