Wing Commander should be called Two Fighter Commander


In the WC games is that you only get yourself and usually just one other going with you. I've played Homeworld with like maybe over 300 fighters dogfighting each other. Why can't Origins or whoever design WC so that you can command more fighters, like maybe 30, i.e., a "true" wing? And like have the ability to divide up the wing you're leading into squadrons and smaller groups. Also, if we were only going to have just one other person, why didn't they originally call WC "Fighter Commander"?
Ohhhhhh Chip.... :)
If you can control more than 1 ship and/or control them from the external view THIS is a strategic game, WC is a Space-sim simulator, right ????
And in WCP you have 5 or 6 fighters along you from your wing and from other squadrons
It wouldn't be too much fun commanding a wing.... You'd never be stuck with crappy fighters or wingman! :)

And I believe a group of two fighters is called an element.
(at least where I come from)

In reality its an element, in WC its a wing.

Prophecy and SO both had missions with plenty of wingmen but im sure putting that many ships on the screen was prohibitive in the past.
Well, I actually prefer the battles in earlier WC games, where you only had 1 wingman (maybe 2 or 3, on ocassion) and there weren't that many enemies, but kills were harder to obtain, to the fragfests-in-space which are WCP and SO.

Originally posted by Chip
In the WC games is that you only get yourself and usually just one other going with you. I've played Homeworld with like maybe over 300 fighters dogfighting each other. Why can't Origins or whoever design WC so that you can command more fighters, like maybe 30, i.e., a "true" wing? And like have the ability to divide up the wing you're leading into squadrons and smaller groups. Also, if we were only going to have just one other person, why didn't they originally call WC "Fighter Commander"?

You probably weren't born yet when WC1 came out, but the ability to command your wingman was *amazing* to us at the time. <G>
"Why can't Origins or whoever design WC so that you can command more fighters, like maybe 30, i.e., a "true" wing"

Because Wing Commander is an action game, Homeworld is a strategy game.:-)
I'm surprised that you're taking Chip seriously in the first place. :) Or appear to be, anyway.

Killing people for little reason is never good either.
I remembered my first time in the CZ, with Chip talking of Bubblegum weapons, mecha drones, de-energizer weapons :)
What a good time, i have vacations in january-february, now Uni and Work........i miss my laziness :)
I want WC: Fleet action. Does anyone know what ship the "Mothership" from HW will be converted to?
I am sure technology has a lot to do with why there are so few wingman that you can command. Hardware just can't support everything. I always justify there being so few fighters around by pretending that large groups of the ships aircraft is out doing recon strike and maybe even intercepting groups of fighters that are attacking your carrier farther out and you are just fighting the straglers that happen to break through the outer cap.

Hopefully someday we can have a wingcommander that can have the number of aircraft in the air like the game battle of britian supports which is something like 300 or 400 or more. All i know is the first time i was flying defending the skies of britian and i saw the huge formations of german bombers and me-109's flying shotgun it sent shivers up my spine diving into a 100 german bombers with your 30 or so wingman is an awesome experience

Just think what it will be like seeing confed carriers putting up huge squadrons of bombers and fighters in giant attacks against cap ships. Instead of taking 2 or 3 missions where the player has to do both the wild weasel missions and then the torpedo run we could see much bigger engagements with more fighters doing more stuff at once. Just imagine being able to fly in the battle of earth with all those capships and 1000's of fighters everywhere

[Edited by Raven0215 on 07-27-2001 at 15:20]
I'd just like to see the multiplayer WC that was being touted in the gaming mags right before Origin got bought by EA. It would definitely be cool to fly with a real person on your wing (or you on theirs) and actually be able to set up tactics withsome kind of real voice communication.

"Hey, I'm going to make a turret run. Wait for my signal to attack the cap ship."

"There's a dralthi tailing you, pull up and I'll give you some cover fire!"

"Stay on target .. . Stay on target" :)

and then just think of the taunts.

[Edited by Arcadian15 on 07-27-2001 at 15:44]
Hey, I had a dream last night where a multiplayer WC game was announced and coming out! Ah, the Land of Nod, where great things can happen...
Originally posted by Arcadian15
I'd just like to see the multiplayer WC that was being touted in the gaming mags right before Origin got bought by EA.
You mean Armada? Yeah, Armada was cool alright.
I'd hate to have to command 30 or 100 ships in WC... besides, aren't wings made up of about 3 or 4 ships, while 30 or more are considered a squadron in WC? That's the way it seems on the Midway at least... they keep everyone in groups of 3-4 and call them wings.

Of course, you could argue that there are missions in Prophecy where you are flying alongside more than 10 ships... but each of those ships are split up into their own respective wings.