Wing Commander makes another appearance on YTMND

For those who are not quite in the loop, what is the reference to scientology? What has the DC-8 got to do with it?
We already wrote a Drakhai rap. It involved original thought. Yitmods and generic internet crap about scientology do not.
Bandit LOAF said:
We already wrote a Drakhai rap. It involved original thought. Yitmods and generic internet crap about scientology do not.

You have insulted the generic internet gods! Cease and repent!
I'll address these one at a time, I suppose...
powell99 said:
Eh, ytmd's aren't worth looking at.
For the most part, you're right. There are some diamonds in the rough, however.
Bandit LOAF said:
We already wrote a Drakhai rap. It involved original thought. Yitmods and generic internet crap about scientology do not.
1) What the heck is a Yitmod?
2) You're right, the scientology bit was ghastly, but it is a reference to WC. That was the key point, here. Not to badmouth a website.
ChrisReid said:
God damn, ytmnd is so stupid.
(On a serious note, yes, the majority of ytmnd is idiotic. There are some diamonds in the rough, however. Making sweeping generalizations is not a good thing.)
Dyret said:
Not as stupid as their forums, at least.
ChrisReid said:
Jesus Christ, I hope that's a joke and they don't really have forums.
( - Intelligent posters) + (gay porn + racism + hackers) - common sense = YTMND forums. It's infamous for being the worst forum populous on the face of the net. (The forums are being wiped next week, and a safe for work rule will be enforced. Time will tell if it works.)
1) What the heck is a Yitmod?

What the hell are you talking about? You're the one who started this stupid thread about them. They're the generic internet jerk-spheres you linked to above.

They're exactly what's wrong with you people: I'm sure the first one was really funny. Hah-hah, an unrelated sound, picture and caption! Postmodernism, woo!

... but the generating a script so that everyone could make the same joke over and over and over *isn't* interesting or intelligent or amusing.

2) You're right, the scientology bit was ghastly, but it is a reference to WC. That was the key point, here. Not to badmouth a website.

We should strive to keep stupid crap away from Wing Commander, not to highlight when such occurs.

(Of the two, the "Scientology" one is more interesting... because clearly someone went through some effort to edit the picture -- adding the plane to the targetting VDU, remembering to change the target ID and so forth. It's still pretty stupid because it's ultimately just advancing a completely idiotic internet joke.)