Wing Commander 3 Tribute Trailer.



Wing Commander 3 - Heart of The Tiger (1994) - Tribute Trailer. Squadron 42 is currently my most anticipated video game. The said game is planned to enter beta stage later this year, and probably scheduled for full release sometime next year. In its anticipation, I decided to go through previous games made by the same team. Wing Commander 3 is easily my most favorite of em all. Played the whole game again and recorded footage to create little tribute trailer that covers some aspects of the story. For full experience of this timeless classic and emotional roller coaster ride, find the game on . While you're at it, try other games in the series too. They have aged really well, as Tolwyn says in the end "I'm very impressed you haven't lost your touch."
Not bad as a thematic piece, good job. It covers a lot of highlights from the game and I think does a good job of conveying the feel of the game. As far as a trailer goes, Angel's death is a pretty big reveal in the later part of the game, so I wouldn't put such a big spoiler right up front if I was trying to convince people to play the game.
Now that is some stellar editing. The ability to take source audio and video, separate them and mix them back together in a different order to tell a compressed story of their own is a distinct skill in its own right - and this is a fantastic example of how that can be achieved. The insertion of "Revenge!" in particular was expertly timed.

I really enjoyed that, @Cloud_Man - thank you 🙂
Now that is some stellar editing. The ability to take source audio and video, separate them and mix them back together in a different order to tell a compressed story of their own is a distinct skill in its own right - and this is a fantastic example of how that can be achieved. The insertion of "Revenge!" in particular was expertly timed.

I really enjoyed that, @Cloud_Man - thank you 🙂
Thank you so much. This was heart warming and uplifting. <3
Not bad as a thematic piece, good job. It covers a lot of highlights from the game and I think does a good job of conveying the feel of the game. As far as a trailer goes, Angel's death is a pretty big reveal in the later part of the game, so I wouldn't put such a big spoiler right up front if I was trying to convince people to play the game.
You are right buddy. But couldn't resist, since so much stuff happens in this game and that was one of the sub plots worth exploring in the trailer.
To be fair, we do see her captured in the introduction so it's not too far a stretch to work out that the outcome wouldn't be good. Though if one really wanted to keep it spoiler-free perhaps just leaving the visual as Thrakhath leering over her as he says 'disintegration is not for you' would suffice.

I found the ending with Tolwyn a bit abrupt, but otherwise I agree with others' comments here.