Wing Commander 1 Name?

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there is a secret missions 3 campaign floating around, i thought it was pretty cool, or if you feel adventurous, when the Vegastrike engine is finished, make a wc1, wc2 remake, and add in some extra missions like the destruction of the tiger's claw.
Don't get me wrong, Rachel was definitely something else! Very cute, very interesting woman, but she's not Sosa and I'm sticking with Sosa and don't expect me to change my song...

Sosa's mine! :D

In Prophecy, however, Rachel looked more like her porn star counterpart. Bleached blonde hair tied up, the lipstick and that weird sneer... :p

[Edited by LeHah on 06-23-2001 at 09:01]
yeah.. if he is wrong everyones too lazy to check up on it, or dies trying to prove him wrong
Originally posted by $tormin
i think loaf's opinion on all things Wing commander should be declared canon :)
I don't think that's a good idea... he could make us believe that Barbara Miles is in fact a Kerri-Lee relative... :eek:
She's still doing the news? I thought she had to move to Boston or something, and quit her career..?
Heh. I applaud LOAF with his affections toward Kerri! Hell, I'm as bad with Sosa!!! :D
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