Wing Commander 1 Name?

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Hey all....longtime WC fan here....I am downloading a whole bunch of music from your site and making a CD of Wing Commander Soundtrack (all this was inspired by my playing WC4 and realizing how excellent the music up on that at my website ). Anyways, for the CD cover, I was listing down the games that the music came from, and I realized that all the games have names except for WC1. WC2 is Vengeance of the Kilrathi, WC3 is Heart of the Tiger, WC4 is The Price of Freedom. However, WC1 has no name that I can find anywhere. Does anyone know it if there is one?
No, it has no like name -- but its full title is "Wing Commander: The 3-D Space Combat Simulator".
I wonder if there'll ever come a time when he won't be right. I'll probably won't live to see that day :D
LOAF is right even when you're absolutely convinced he's wrong...

Try debating with him on "inconsistencies" in the WC3 and WC4 novels, and he'll always find a way to explain everything...
I decided to shut up in resignation a long time ago... :)
LOAF must be some kind of huge database. Like that movie D.A.R.Y.L.

Hey Ladiesman! Cool sig. Although you wouldn't stand a chance against the dutchies! :D

--No offense there...
You might want to just call WC1 "The Vega Campaign"... similar to what it calls itself at the campaign selection screen.
LOAF's never proved me wrong! I don't bother fighting with him to give me the chance! ;)
Heh...thanks ya'll.

Inconsistencies in the novels? What? Why would you even want to debate that? After reading the whole series, I'm in so much shock (it's rare to come across a series of books that are SO good) that I wouldn't want to debate anything! The novels are simply awesome!
We argue over the contingency errors between the novels and the games themselves...Ex: Why did Blair end up with Rachel in the WC3 novel when Flint (as I've seen) is far more popular with the fans...etc...
I like that GArDS guy.

Rachel was more popular with the fans... that's why they brought her back in Prophecy after people complained.
I can find 1 fault in the novels....... Thy're too damn short! I've seen a few of them, and They're too damn short, I want a WC novel that's thicker than the lord of the rings!
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
You might want to just call WC1 "The Vega Campaign"... similar to what it calls itself at the campaign selection screen.

Shame they didn't have a few more addon missions with campaign buttons at the start (not just 'Secret Missions'. A few more add on campaigns before WC2 would've been nice. Maybe they could've set back the destruction of the Claw back five years to have accomodated for extra missions.

Oh well, its all in the past now...
*Timelord Redwolf enters his TARDIS*
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