Who do you hate the most?

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Catscratch also has the nasty habit of getting blown up WAY too early in a mission whenever he is on my wing.
really? I always find that it depends on what he's flying. He seems to always excel in Avengers for me. But, that's just for me. It might be dumb luck or something.
I hated Naisimth's remarks, if a mission went badly. (But then again he did say much goo, if you did good anyway)

"Guess you're lucky to be alive... Colonel"
hell yeah. a damn desk jockey telling me i can't fly. like he could do any better. he was one of the major reasons why i enjoyed taking out the lexington
Originally posted by TopGun
Vagabond died in WC 4, remember him and Sosa were in the Confed Comms Station, and he got shot in the back. You carried them on you Fighter in a couple of M.I.PS

Better look again. He was facing them, holding them off, as it were, he got shot in the chest.

And you couldn't tractor his M.I.P. back in either. Darn it!
Game - Vagabond - If you defect at the first opportunity, he dies in the raid on the station. If you don't defect, he ejects, and is presumably recovered by Confed who probably treats him as a traitor or deserter.
Catscratch - Follows you no matter what. Dies if you don't decide to help him after he peels off after an 'easy' target (does anyone else get a flashback to the story in Claw Marks?).

Book - As far as Blair knows, both Vagabond and Catscratch are still on the Lexington when Blair makes his torpedo run. Blair detonates the torpedo prematurely, which saves the ship, but cripples the flight deck, and might have given everyone on it cancer.
Originally posted by junior
...which saves the ship, but cripples the flight deck, and might have given everyone on it cancer.
Yeah, but at least they'd have the luxury of dying slowly over time, and access to Confed's finest VA treatment centers (Gives 'em time to say their goodbyes and get their affairs in order, at least).
I'd argue that it would be more painful for them to watch their loved ones watch them slowly wither away, rather than simply being notified second-hand of their deaths.
Originally posted by WildWeasel
I'd argue that it would be more painful for them to watch their loved ones watch them slowly wither away, rather than simply being notified second-hand of their deaths.
Painful? Maybe, but as I said, they at least get to say their goodbyes, set their affairs in order, make things right with folks they've wronged, etc.

I remember when younger I used to hope I'd die quickly and painlessly (a heart attack in my sleep, etc.). Then my focus changed over the years, and I began to realize that life is all about relationships. When you love people, and *are* loved, it's important to cling to those relationships, for they're what really makes life worth living. Fame, career achievements, money, etc., all pale in comparison when you're facing eternity. There's an old saying that's truer than most folks realize ('course, most folks have never heard this saying in the first place): "No one ever spent their last moments on their deathbed wishing they'd spent more time at the office"...

I now hope that when I die, I will have some warning of it ahead of time, so that I can take advantage of the time I have left to really make sure I'm "ready" to go RE: doing the things I mentioned above. Sure, I wouldn't want to have a slow and agonizing death, but if it gave me the opportunities mentioned above, I think it'd be worth it. I'm "ready" to die right now, if the Lord wants to take me, but I'd still want to have the opportunity to say goodbye first. :cool:
Considering that they're in the military, I would expect that at least some goodbyes would've already been said. It's a dangerous business, after all, even when there isn't a war on.
Originally posted by junior
Book - As far as Blair knows, both Vagabond and Catscratch are still on the Lexington when Blair makes his torpedo run. Blair detonates the torpedo prematurely, which saves the ship, but cripples the flight deck, and might have given everyone on it cancer.

Which would you prefer though: the *possibility* of cancer (which isn't always a death sentence even in the 20th century, let alone the 27th) or getting blown to bits there and then?

PS: Aries, blowing up an entire carrier to get rid of one jerk is a little excessive, don't you think? :D

Best, Raptor
It depends on how annoying that jerk is!!! :D and anyway, i said it was a reason i *enjoyed* taking out the Lexington, not the reason i took out the Lexington
Originally posted by junior
Game - Vagabond - If you don't defect, he ejects, and is presumably recovered by Confed who probably treats him as a traitor or deserter.

Nooo... He got dead, cause Maniac was giving Blair a hard time about it because he didn't defect the first time..... Pretty sure.
and also Paulson (may the bastard burn in hell) says that one of the traitors was killed. Blair asks who, and Paulson (may the bastard burn in hell) says one of the pilots. since Maniac and Vagabond were the only pilots to defect, i'm pretty sure that Paulson (may the bastard burn in hell) ment Vagabond. and in case anyone hasn't caught on, i really don't like Paulson (may the bastard burn in hell)
Originally posted by Aries
and also Paulson (may the bastard burn in hell) says that one of the traitors was killed. Blair asks who, and Paulson (may the bastard burn in hell) says one of the pilots. since Maniac and Vagabond were the only pilots to defect, i'm pretty sure that Paulson (may the bastard burn in hell) ment Vagabond. and in case anyone hasn't caught on, i really don't like Paulson (may the bastard burn in hell)

Too right :)

He was one smug superior prick. Just wish I could have done the job instead of Seether :D
yeah, it's a damn shame we couldn't. we'll just have to be satisfied with the knowledge that we took out Naismith
I think Paulson is the same actor who played Walmack in The Rock. I quite liked Paulson actually. Yeah, he was a prick, but I sure enjoyed the act. It seemed real somehow, like a character such as Paulson is well within the realms of possibility.
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