Correct me if I am wrong, but I think you are saying that it is more realistic to show on a radar objects endlessly no matter how far away they are, than to have them disappear at a certain range. I think that the objects disappearing completely is more realistic then the distance (klicks) becoming smaller, and smaller, and never ending. Here's why: Radar has a limited range. I don't think it is incredibly realistic to assume a radar can see everything infinetly. This would mean that you could see all the ships, etc. in the galaxy. But if we assume that radar in the advanced world of Star Wars and Wing Commander has a limited range (which is pretty likely), it would make sense that objects disappear off the radar screen at the edge of the radar screen. Now, I agree with you if your point is that it is more realistic in X-Wing because you can still see the object visually. But, I think, like I said, that an object disappearing off the radar screen is more realistic than an object being on a radar screen at a 100,000 or however many klicks. (in X-Wing I have had the distance measure max out at a certain number of 9's- dont remember how many though)
Side note: I know this is probably me just being slow, but how do you put smilies when you post? Is there a toolbar or sumthin? Thanks.