What's the most powerful Confed cap ship?

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Originally posted by Dragon
If there was one it would be GIS (galatic impire ship).
If I might interject....

Were this whole notion correct (which it appears is not the case), wouldn't that be GES -- Galactic Empire Ship? This is a case where spelling, Dragon, is imperative.
Actually it could be but perhaps it could be GIS, Galactic Imperial Ship. Or simply IS Imperial Ship nobody ever said that the prefix needs to be 3 letters
I have been studying the Star Wars universe for 5 years, and yes, I.S.S. is the Empires ship thing. IMPERIAL STAR SHIP. the New Republic used N.R.S. NEW REPUBLIC SHIP. Also, through my research, the Executor was the only Super class Star Destroyer t ever be destroyed (at the Battle of Endor). Also, The Eclipse was either a Imperial 2 class, a Victory 2 class, an Interdictor class, or a Super class. Yes, those are the classes. Later in the war, about when Empire Strikes Back started, the Empire started to develop new star destroyers, which were called the Victory 2 class and the Imperial 2 class. Also, their was a HIGHLY CLASSIFIED Super 2 class, which had a Death Star weapon mounted on it (it was destroyed by the force, with the reincarnated emporer on board) They DO use the I.S.S. Symbol. Also, like i stated before, they are not Executor and Eclipse class, since I just lookd up some information, they were both Super class.
Originally posted by AzraeL
The Versuvius carries about 450 fighters/bombers.
It's 400.
ISIS states that the Midway as much better shields than any other ship ever built (including the Versuvius), being the equivalent of a major fixed installation, so she probably has a significant advantage over the Versuvius in this field.
Midways shield strength isn't a given number.

ISIS also states that the Midway has 'relatively' weak armor.
It has very weak armor for a ship that size.

The Midway is only designed to act as a stand-alone vessel in times of peace, where her opposition would be limited. In times of war she reverts to a role as a carrier in a battle fleet.
The Vesuvius wouldn't go running into a war zone without escorts either, actually, just like any other carrier.
Well, you have a masters in Wing Commander Made Up stuff... And still, 3 TIE Defenders would easily destroy a few Excaliburs or bearcats, but im not so sure about those dragons.... Also, I onlt have a Minors degree in WC.
Oh also

Below are some links which will prove my point about the Super Star Destroyers:




Also, some people on the NR or Rebel Alliance divided the Super class Star Destroyer into two sub classes which would be:

Soverign class Super class Star Destroyer
Eclipse class Super class Star Destroyer
Yo were SEMI right about the eclipse, though there was a Sovereign class Super class SD named the eclipse. It hsa the Axial Superlaser (the DS weapon)

Just look up Super class Star Destroyer

The Empire called them Super class and Super 2 class, while the New Republic called them Sovereign class and Eclipse class.

And different sides labeled the ships different. Some people labeled them I.S.S., some their ship designation (S.S.D., I.S.D., V.S.D., I2.S.D...)
Originally posted by Antman
I have been studying the Star Wars universe for 5 years, and yes, I.S.S. is the Empires ship thing. IMPERIAL STAR SHIP. the New Republic used N.R.S. NEW REPUBLIC SHIP. Also, through my research, the Executor was the only Super class Star Destroyer t ever be destroyed (at the Battle of Endor). Also, The Eclipse was either a Imperial 2 class, a Victory 2 class, an Interdictor class, or a Super class. Yes, those are the classes. Later in the war, about when Empire Strikes Back started, the Empire started to develop new star destroyers, which were called the Victory 2 class and the Imperial 2 class. Also, their was a HIGHLY CLASSIFIED Super 2 class, which had a Death Star weapon mounted on it (it was destroyed by the force, with the reincarnated emporer on board) They DO use the I.S.S. Symbol. Also, like i stated before, they are not Executor and Eclipse class, since I just lookd up some information, they were both Super class.

First 5 years I am impressed. Second after reading every single SW book there is never a mention of either an NRS or ISS prefix to ship names. The Eclipse was the personal flagship of the emporer's clone. It had 550 turbolasers and 500 heavy lasers. It also had a superlaser that was 3/4 the power of the original deathstar giving it only the power to crack the crust of a planet rather than destroy it out right. It had such strong shields and armor that it was known to ram vessels in combat. It was 16km long and was destroyed when the force storms the emporer summoned were redirected onto the ship over the Pinnacle moon when Leia and Luke joined force energies to surround the emporer in their force powers thus causing him to loose control over said force storms. This is all from the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels and also can be found in the Dark Empire 1 and 2 series of star wars comic books.
Also the Imperial 2 was introduced slightly before the battle of Yavin and boasted primarily a stronger hull and that is the only difference between and Imperial II and the original ISD. Your research is obviously not extensive since other super star destoryers have been destoryed. Isards SSD as told in the X-Wing series of books. The Iron Fist was destroyed by a squadron lead by General Han Solo who's flagship was the MC80b Mon Remonda as told in the opening chapters of "The Courtship of Princess Leia". The Dark Knight was destroyed over Yavin 4 by a New republic forces as told in the book "Darksaber". There never was a super 2 class, there was the Executer class Super Star Destoryer, the Soverign Class Star Destroyer, and the Eclipse Class Star Destroyer. The Victory II class were upgraded victories that Grand Admiral Thrawn had upgraded inorder to bolster his weakend fleet of ISD (told in the Heir to the Empire trillogy of books)
Im aware that it was the Emporers clone's flagship, i wrote that before. It was the First of the Eclipse class Super class Star Destroyers. It's Axias Superlaser was 1.5 of the Death stars power since instead of 5 lasers merging it only had one. at nominal power, it could obliterate continents. Im aware that Luke and leia used the force, yadayadayada. Ive focused more on the ships of the New Republic, such as the Mon Calamari Cruser, the Mon Remonda, the Nebulon B frigate, the Correlian Corvette (AKA Blockade Runner), the Correlian Gunship, the Dauntless cruiser, and several other cap ships, and th eX-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing, Y-Wing, V-Wing, E-Wing, TWing, and the Z-95 Headhunter. I also know about a great many Imperial ships too.
Originally posted by Antman
Oh, and the Executor was a Sovereign class, aka the Super class.

Nope. The Sovereign-class was almost seven kilometers shorter than the Executor. Yes, seven. Using the canon film footage as primary reference material, the Executor is a whopping 11 miles long, or 17.6 kilometers - it's 11 times the length of a common one-mile Star Destroyer). The Eclipse-class is a full mile shorter than the Executor, though because it's SIGNIFICANTLY fatter and wider, it outmasses the Executor-class by a significant margin.

If you check out the Dark Empire sourcebook, despite the fact that the Executor's dimensions are less than half what they should be, it is VERY CLEAR that the Executor- and Eclipse-class commandships and Sovereign-class star battlecruisers are VERY different types of ship.

[Edited by Iceberg on 02-14-2001 at 22:33]
Re: Oh also

Originally posted by Antman
Below are some links which will prove my point about the Super Star Destroyers:




Also, some people on the NR or Rebel Alliance divided the Super class Star Destroyer into two sub classes which would be:

Soverign class Super class Star Destroyer
Eclipse class Super class Star Destroyer
Yo were SEMI right about the eclipse, though there was a Sovereign class Super class SD named the eclipse. It hsa the Axial Superlaser (the DS weapon)

Just look up Super class Star Destroyer

The Empire called them Super class and Super 2 class, while the New Republic called them Sovereign class and Eclipse class.

And different sides labeled the ships different. Some people labeled them I.S.S., some their ship designation (S.S.D., I.S.D., V.S.D., I2.S.D...)

Here is the only site that matters as far as Star Wars technical commentary goes:

http://www.theforce.net/swtc/ <= Dr. Curtis Saxton's "Star Wars Technical Commentaries." The single most exhaustive website on the topic.

If only we had a similar website for Wing Commander.
I just finished this Jpeg of two Super class Star Destroyers beating the shit out of some Confed ships. Who wants it?
I got the Midway using the Super neon light to destroy a fleet of SSD.
And Several piranhas kicking some TIE butt.
Originally posted by Dragon
I got the Midway using the Super neon light to destroy a fleet of SSD.
And Several piranhas kicking some TIE butt.

Prophecy era fighters vs. TIEs isn't a battle, it's a massacre. Shielded, fast, maneuverable, strong and tough, the Confed fighters would mop the floor with TIEs. Now against New Republic fighters, things would be a bit different.
Well there is a WC mode for XW:A going on, so we can see how good your WC fighters are against SW fighters.
(only the TIE Defendor and the Missile Boat could give us some trouble)
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