What does a jump drive actually do?

I'm on your wing, Nighthawk.

But I doubt that you'll need any help... he's probably just another tuka.

<that last one ought to have pushed him over the edge
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Ha, that didn't surprise me at all! Now let's deal with him properly!

with a nicely executed manoeuvre NH gets behind the imposter, thinks about locking a missile on his foe but decides against it

You're not worth the credits! TAKE THIS!

NH starts raking the imposter's ship with his guns. In a bright flash the ship explodes

Now where were we?

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
Nighthawk, haven't you heard of sharing? It certainly wasn't very nice of you to go and kill him all by yourself
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OK, let's stop here. I have to leave now anyway. My presence is needed somewhere else.

hears his girlfriend calling from the background in a somewhat annoyed tone of voice

Oh-oh. See ya!

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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Uups, didn't notice your message there when I posted, Quarto!

Well, it's the prerogative (sp?) of the wing leader to attack first, isn't it? He didn't pose a real threat anyway. You'll get the next one.

gets some beating from behind

Ok, ok, I'm coming. 'til next time! NH out.

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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Well, seven now...

BTW, nighthawk, watch that language.


I don't respect your authority BECAUSE YOU HAVE NONE!!!