WCP Quotes

Colourful depiction, pendell. Perhaps I shouldn't complain so much when I run out of bad guys to kill in Privateer anymore.
Play Privateer 2 at the hardest difficulty levels (you reach this either by completing the main plot, OR by earning more than 150,000 credits, OR by making about 1000 or so kills) (I usually flip over with the second -- I found money very easy to earn in P2) and you will NEVER complain again about "not enough" enemies.


Brian P.
Ehh, I don't have P2 anyway. Did similar things with the original Privateer before... doesn't seem too different to me.
Wish I had a game with the Priv2 grahpics set in the time right after Priv1/RF.

pendell, I know of what you speak. Sometimes it did seem like forever before you could get to your destination in Priv2. I did like aspects of the story and thought much of it was very well acted. I'm just a crumudgeon and don't like change. I would have like to have seen Priv 2 set in the "present" or very near future. It just doesn't seem to fit as well into the universe as it might have. Still a fun game.
Hi everyone!

P2 is a fun game but I missed the Kilrathi. A patch were u can replace one pirate clan with kilrathi pirates would be cool.