WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

Famous last words...

I'm really thinking about purchasing Homeworld because of this mod...
Awesome work!
I could access the data, and that partition was the very first thing I started backing up, even before my mails and my PhD work. And in the meantime, I also identified what new beast I will have. A laptop able to run Star Citizen at 60 fps...
I'm really thinking about purchasing Homeworld because of this mod...
Awesome work!
If you haven't played Homeworld, it is a good game in it's own right, and I heartily recommend it for that alone. The mod stuff is just gravy. Delicious delicious gravy.
Thank goodness your HDDs are okay! Nothing is more demoralizing than losing your data. Totally jealous of your new rig btw. SC at 60fps is no small order.
The laptop I'm eyeing has a GTX 980. That should do the trick for some time. :-)
Sorry about your laptop dying on you, maybe the crashing about your laptop you told me earlier about was a sign of hard-drive failure not power failure which in hindsight I should have known earlier. I still have the files for meshes for homeworld 2 and I have of completed HOD files ready for use that you gave me, so if you need it I am your man. On star citizen it would be wiser to buy a desktop because they are going to update the graphics soon and boy when I tried out my sons laptop that shit felt like it was melting. 16gb of ram is minimum to run it if you want, and perhaps a new gen of graphics card when it reaches its release date.
Sorry about your laptop dying on you, maybe the crashing about your laptop you told me earlier about was a sign of hard-drive failure not power failure which in hindsight I should have known earlier. I still have the files for meshes for homeworld 2 and I have of completed HOD files ready for use that you gave me, so if you need it I am your man. On star citizen it would be wiser to buy a desktop because they are going to update the graphics soon and boy when I tried out my sons laptop that shit felt like it was melting. 16gb of ram is minimum to run it if you want, and perhaps a new gen of graphics card when it reaches its release date.
Nah, it was definitely power failure, I had the same shit several times when I had it unplugged. As dor the other files, everything is still there, I checked one of those during the back-ups.

As for SC, I'm always moving anyway and I use the computer for the job and personal stuff, the laptop I plan to get will have these 16 gigs and I've got some extra RAM to slot in if there's some room. As for the GPU, it gets Crysis 3 at 60 FPS, so even with some updated graphics, I'll be quite good.
Aaaaaargh! My laptop crashed hard with all my data on it, including the Homeworld mod's only copy. Good thing, though, is that the IT in the lab managed to save the hard drives, so I'm doing a complete back-up on external drives as I write (on the tablet) and I will probably get another laptop this week-end. 1.5 TB to copy...

Expect a few days of additional delay because of this shit. But rest assured, the data for the 2.0 version, which is entirely ready save balancing of the Kilrathi faction, IS INTACT.

I'm totally sympathetic here, that sucks... - but it's amazing how common it seems to be that people making WC mods have their computers crash/hard drives explode. :)
I'm totally sympathetic here, that sucks... - but it's amazing how common it seems to be that people making WC mods have their computers crash/hard drives explode. :)
Well, the mod just got its first (and I hope only) Golden Sun, as... I am uploading it right now to Steam! Watch out, hard drives, a 450 MB Skipper missile is headed right on you and should be on target during the next hours. :)

It's online, folks!


Flag Commander 2: Vengeance of the Kilrathi


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Fantastic news! Great work guys!
Thanks! Enjoy the mod that came back from the crash. :-)

The plan is to fix the AI, fuel management system, hyperspace effect and to add some nifty features to the kitties all the way up to the 2.5 version, then go HD with the Confed for 3.0.
Aaaaaaaargh, it's official: Wing Commander mods are cursed. Cursed, I tell you! My new super-laptop crashed completely barely three days after I bought it. Thank Sivar, Celestia and other deities, the mod is now online and safe, but what the hell?!

And, yes, the shop is going to replace it with a new identical one today. Still...

Oh, and 700 € bill to save my PhD data and other stuff from my previous computer's hard drive. Ouch. Though my parents are nice and will help me with it.
Aaaaaaaargh, it's official: Wing Commander mods are cursed. Cursed, I tell you! My new super-laptop crashed completely barely three days after I bought it. Thank Sivar, Celestia and other deities, the mod is now online and safe, but what the hell?!

And, yes, the shop is going to replace it with a new identical one today. Still...

Oh, and 700 € bill to save my PhD data and other stuff from my previous computer's hard drive. Ouch. Though my parents are nice and will help me with it.

Much more common occurrence with new hardware then we want to admit, especially given the nature of their procurement, assembly, and delivery. (Bad transport being the usual)

One famous such incident happened when I was working a bench back in 2001. My then boss had ordered a box of hard drives; 4 "bigfoot" drives and 8 standard. Came in a single box with each drive neatly tucked around foam and bubblewrap. Only two of the drives would POST during testing. The man was livid to say the least.

Burn-in test EVERYTHING, no matter how sexy the gear. If it won't survive at least 24 hours (better, 48) of constant full power use it won't last a week. Last thing you need is to find out you placed all your recovered data on a gold-plated turd.

My sympathies but such is the nature of computers.:confused:
Much more common occurrence with new hardware then we want to admit, especially given the nature of their procurement, assembly, and delivery. (Bad transport being the usual)

One famous such incident happened when I was working a bench back in 2001. My then boss had ordered a box of hard drives; 4 "bigfoot" drives and 8 standard. Came in a single box with each drive neatly tucked around foam and bubblewrap. Only two of the drives would POST during testing. The man was livid to say the least.

Burn-in test EVERYTHING, no matter how sexy the gear. If it won't survive at least 24 hours (better, 48) of constant full power use it won't last a week. Last thing you need is to find out you placed all your recovered data on a gold-plated turd.

My sympathies but such is the nature of computers.:confused:
Posting with the new computer.

In the end, the only thing I lost with it was, well... my new savegame for nuXCOM. Dammit, I kept my forces alive only to have their entire universe destroyed. X_X
Awesome, just played a game as the cats! I can't tell you how excited I am to finally be able to!

You have done a hell of a job pulling all this stuff together in such a short time. Congratulations on the initial release of this version, despite your computer woes.

I did want to mention a few things just so that you are aware of them. Let me know if you'd like any help, I may crack open that Dakura just for fun to see if I can figure out what's going on on my own.

Some of the ship models are behaving a little funky:
Looks like some engine burns left over from your template. This can easily be seen on the Mining Transport and the Dubav Carrier and may be on other ships as well. Only shows up when the ship is moving of course.
A few may be (what looks to me like) rendering multiple meshes on top of each other? This is most obvious on the Dakura Escort Corvette (and it actually has the engine problem too).

I can put together some screen shots of what I'm seeing if you'd like.

The research tree has some confusion, in particular with the Sivar Shrine. The "Mothership" doesn't seem to recognize when it's built for the fighters that have that prerequisite, but it does work for the heavy carrier.
Awesome, just played a game as the cats! I can't tell you how excited I am to finally be able to!

You have done a hell of a job pulling all this stuff together in such a short time. Congratulations on the initial release of this version, despite your computer woes.

I did want to mention a few things just so that you are aware of them. Let me know if you'd like any help, I may crack open that Dakura just for fun to see if I can figure out what's going on on my own.

Some of the ship models are behaving a little funky:
Looks like some engine burns left over from your template. This can easily be seen on the Mining Transport and the Dubav Carrier and may be on other ships as well. Only shows up when the ship is moving of course.
A few may be (what looks to me like) rendering multiple meshes on top of each other? This is most obvious on the Dakura Escort Corvette (and it actually has the engine problem too).

I can put together some screen shots of what I'm seeing if you'd like.

The research tree has some confusion, in particular with the Sivar Shrine. The "Mothership" doesn't seem to recognize when it's built for the fighters that have that prerequisite, but it does work for the heavy carrier.
I'll have to check these. I've got a few bugs here and there pointed out, I'll try to get a fix up in the following days.

You put WC Saga into Homeworld 2 and some other guy Homeworld into Freespace 2 :D
The next step involves crossing the mods together with HWR as a command interface for the Freespace players. Though we intend to use the Star Citizen engine after we buy the whole stuff away from Chris Roberts.

Personal Note: stop writing a business plan after consuming cardamine.
no no, if you do this right, Chris Roberts will hire you to do the strategy game branch of Star Citizen that's coming out in 2020. They will call it Star Commander: Arena Citizen.