WC4 Hovertank


Vice Admiral
hey, got bored today so I decided to model the hovertank from the Circe missions of WC4. Thinking about making some more ground vehicles and such and perhaps making a mod for mw2 or some such. here are some pics, no textures yet as I'm just getting back into modelling and still not very good at textures yet haha. any comments and suggestions are welcome!


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I'd throw a modelled muzzle on the end of each gun, if I remember right there was only one barrel\muzzle to each gun. I don't think a texture on the flat face of the gun barrels would look quite right to show the end of the barrels.
Otherwise, it looks great.
Keep it up.
So, I just played the Circe mission that these tanks are in and noticed something, the tanks in the cinematic dont look much like the tanks ingame, more like slabs of metal with a regular capship turret glued on the front. I took a look through the Holovids section but couldnt find this scene, would someone be able to post the video or at least some screenshots of the tanks that I can use? thanks! (to be precise, the video I'm looking for is the one that plays when the Intrepid jumps to Circe that shows the ground action)

also, started modelling the BW tank, not done enough to post pics yet but it should be viewable in the next couple days when I find some time.
Pirates are only seen in space in WC4. The tanks are escorted by Confed Hellcats on Circe.
What I mean is that the ground forces were mercenaries backed by a faction of Confed, but not Confed themselves.

Wilford: Colonel, we’re undertaking fleet actions in two different systems. Now, in Circe, we’ll be assisting the legitimate Border Worlds government in a fierce civil war – instigated by mercenaries. Now, we believe these mercs are backed by elements within Confed, and thousands of civilians are being killed.

Wilford: The mercs have launched a tank offensive.

Well, that doesn't mean it isn't a Confed model, anyway.
It's hard to imagine a source of tanks other than Confed - that is to say, even if the tanks were actually captured from the Border Worlds troops, they'd still have to have come from Confed at some point. The notion of the Border Worlders having their own tank factories and their own unique tank designs circa 2673 seems pretty unlikely, to put it mildly.
There are three tank models: 2 used by the Mercenaries backed by Confed, 1 used by the Border Worlds.
the second Confed tank model being the one from the cinematics?

btw, I've added some details to the confed model, the bw model is coming along and textures are non-existent at this point, need to learn photoshop again haha. I'll post pics when I get home.
As promised here are some shots of the details I've added to the hovertank. I've tried to stay true to the WC4 version, however I've added a couple things that weren't on the original model that I think would probably be on there, such as the computer terminal for transmitting messages and such. I've also re-done the main guns to make them more efficient in terms of polygons and hollowed them out so the projectile can actually come out haha. Next additions will be 'boxes' on the sides of the turret and adding some more detail to the body as well as some basic textures. If anyone can help me figure out what use those 2 boxes could have that'd be awesome, so far I'm thinking chaff and missiles but any input is greatly appreciated.


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Next additions will be 'boxes' on the sides of the turret and adding some more detail to the body as well as some basic textures. If anyone can help me figure out what use those 2 boxes could have that'd be awesome, so far I'm thinking chaff and missiles but any input is greatly appreciated.

Acceleration absorbers, useless pods, stereo speakers or maybe shield generators.
hmm, those are some pretty good possibilities, do we know if tanks have shields in WC? I might make them into shield generators but then it might be like the Star Destroyers from Star Wars with the shield generators that can be easily taken out with a lucky shot. More pics of updates will follow soon.
hmm, those are some pretty good possibilities, do we know if tanks have shields in WC? I might make them into shield generators but then it might be like the Star Destroyers from Star Wars with the shield generators that can be easily taken out with a lucky shot.

You mean like Wing Commander Prophecy? The tanks in the game do not have shields, but they also don't have big boxes on them either (the little boxes seem like small machine gun equivalents).