WC: Unknown Enemy has been released!!

We don't have them written on paper or anything... we'd have to extract them from the files, and at this stage, we're too lazy for that :p. But you can find out a fair bit about the ships through the game's ship viewer. And, once the fiction viewer is finally fixed, you'll be able to find out a bit about the Kilrathi ships, too.
Originally posted by Wedge009
...do you think Origin will notice the sudden spike in download requests for SO?

I have Secret Ops via WC:p Gold, so personally I'm all set. However, I'm confused about this:

Secret Ops is no longer available for download "legitimately" (and hasn't been for a few years, acc. to various postings here at the CZ), and anywhere else you can DL it is "pirated".

Therefore, why all the talk around *DL'ing* the SO episodes to run UE?...
Originally posted by Starkey
I´m going over to my neighbor´s house (he has wide band internet) and download the Secret Ops main package and then UE, then burn a CD with the downloads to bring´em over to my computer.

Just a warning: You need the optional movie/speech pack of SO as well for the full install of UE to work...
But , Why not ? Cause its not an official Wc ?

Ill make a guide for myself , anyone who likes Ill sent one to him
A guide would be appreciated, we could post it on the UE webpage when its running properly again.
Pedro looks like you are "in" all the time now that the UE has been released , waiting to answer every man`s questions huh ?:D
Well a release needs careful monitoring and involvment, hell apparently UE has already had a few seconds of time on german TV, hopefully quite a bit more soon :)
Really ? I will make an attempt ( I got the right connections :)) so the UE will be in the PC-MASTER magazine here in Greece.
UE will spread around the world!! MOUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:D
I'm sure we'd be happy to post a UE guide if people want one... something more along the lines of Hades SO Guide from years back instead of part of the CIC's games guides section, though.