WC:CD "Destroyer"


Vice Admiral
Although I've seen in many, many, many, threads that this type of Destroyer is old....I am going to use a few old designs here and there. This is seen in WC3 and WC4 I've retextured it and haven't decided on where I'll be putting the guns... But..Let me know... I'm actually thinking on putting one of the Plunkett Turrets on this Destroyer... ONLY One... Tell me what you think..It will have to be updated to be used...What do you think I should add?


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I think this is venturing into the "skipping past WCP ships to add fan classics" area.

So where's the rebuilt bengal class? :-P
It would seem as though that Confed had much more support ships than actual carriers. And Nomad is right....Wouldn't you think at a certain point during the conflict they would be using everything they had at there disposal? Even though it's an old design....Don't you think they would use it if possible?
Everything and anything we've ever seen in the military always can get retrofits. No matter how old... There's is no Bengal :) ....And also there's no skipping Prophecy or SO Ships...There's a few we won't see (The Piranha, and .. but I'm not really skipping them.
Keep in mind I'm bringing a different view to a conflict that none of us really know about....and none of us really know what could of happened.
So just keep an open mind that "Gee... maybe that could of happened" I'm not bringing some crazy story to this, I'm making it real and believable as possible. Just think "Yea I guess that's possible" I mean although the project can get alot of information from S*S and certain other documents and items. Just keep in mind that if it's possible it might of just happened in this mod, and if it's something that's crazy off the wall, then most likely it isn't on the drawing board for this project. I value all of your thoughts, believe me...But just keep in mind that if it's possible that confed brought out older ships...than don't rule it out as "Confed wouldn't do that"
It's an age old discussion on this board that "Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there" , Just because we don't see ships from WC1 in WC2 doesn't mean there totally non existant. That goes for anything really just because you goto the store shopping for a certain type of cookies and find that at the store you went to doesn't sell those cookies or are out of stock doesn't mean that those cookies aren't somewhere else. Sorry if this was a lengthy response, but I want people to see what I'm thinking when doing certain things for the MOD and that I don't just totally make it up as I go along, there is some validity and decision making that goes along with it.
Also I mean I was going to redo the Murphy, as far as textures are concerned and what not...but It would be easier to just use the Murphy that's in game already. Doing the models is time consuming. Unless that is what people would want then I'm all for it.
Well, here's the thing, though...you're setting your mod just a little bit after Secret Ops...and you already have confed throwing everything they've got into the battle?
Realistically, modern naval ships have a much longer lifespan than any fighter. They only recently retired the carrier Enterprise, which went through several different aircraft types during her service. It's perfectly plausible to think that a 50+, and I'm not saying this ships is that old, year old destroyer would still be in service during the Nephilim conflict. The only real consideration is the attrition that occured during the Kilrathi War and what that would leave in the inventory.

As for slapping a turret on it. ~~~, it looks as though the hull shape would hinder not only the lines of fire, for such a gun, but also the physical space the gun and barrel have to rotate through. But then again my mental picture of that could be a little skewed.

Anyway, the model looks great, nice work.
Yea after I put that turret on , it kinda well...looked a little awkward, but I'll post up a shot to show you guys... It doesn't look too bad, I'd just make the turret so it can't go too far back n blow the bridge up :)


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It looks kinda worn out, the textures. It looks like something off the shipyard that almost got hit by a Kraken Plasma cannon, no offense.

P.S. You sure do love that Plunkett-class.

Have you considered a redesign of the Midway-Class? Maybe with Plunkett Turrents? (Just kidding with that last sentence, but it will be cool to see a totally new textured Midway.)
Well to show that there will be both Destroyers in the MOD here's the Murphy Class destroyer, I used the original from SO and retextured it... Keep in mind I'm looking for a Battle Worn look. Dyret was right. So with that being said here's the Murphy Class Destroyer also. I was also thinking that maybe retexturng the Midway Class Might be a good idea, But I haven't decided on that one yet.


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Here's a comparison of three Murphy Models...

From Right to Left...

Murphy WC:CD Mod
Murphy Micheal "Steele" Boewes
Murphy Original Secret Ops


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If you are going for a desperate struggle where they have to throw everything into battle, exeters and ventures with upgraded weapons and engines would be a nice turn, you ofcourse can include a midway, or even the midway....

But be carefull not to disrupt "canon" facts.. don't include a story arc where the midway or cerberus gets destroyed, or come up with a super-secret all-powerfull left over kilrathi dreadnought. but you probably have looked into that situation.

Tell me, now you guys have access to the original mission design tools, can you manage to include more ships now(as in how many different ships/fighters can it handle), or is there a limit(i remember standoff having to replace a simulator ship?)
No Canon facts will be disrupted,

Meaning NO Cerberus getting Destroyed, NO Midway getting destroyed, NO Earth being destroyed, NO Thrakath coming back alive, NO Apocalypse, NO Kilrathi Dreadnought, NO CRAZY STUFF :)

Tell me, now you guys have access to the original mission design tools, can you manage to include more ships now(as in how many different ships/fighters can it handle), or is there a limit(i remember standoff having to replace a simulator ship?)

I'll have to look into this so I'm not sure as of yet
No Canon facts will be disrupted,
Meaning NO Cerberus getting Destroyed, NO Midway getting destroyed, NO Earth getting destroyed

Neither one of this are canon facts, oddly enough. We have no information that suggests either of these ships survives the early stages or the duration of the war. And Earth...well let's just say that with a Wormhole in Proxima AND in Sirius (1 Jump From SOL) it's somewhat unrealistic to expect that the battle doesn't get carried to Earth at some time or another.

No Canon facts will be disrupted,
NO Kilrathi Dreadnought

Sounds to me like you've already disrupted canon facts - the Kilrathi opposing the Free Republic of Landreich have a Dreadnought in their service already, albeit a damaged one.
Jay Bird...You just won't see them in the mod. Doesn't mean there destroyed or truckin around space :) ..There just not going to be mentioned or seen, and if they are mentioned it will be information that we now is concrete. Do we know when these wormholes open?
I'll have to look into this so I'm not sure as of yet

I can answer this, actually. There's no real "limit" to the number of ships you can have in WCP/SO anymore - Standoff managed to break that (somehow - I haven't asked but I'm reasonably sured it could be duplicated).

However, switching simulator ships is a different story - the simulator ships are hardcoded into the EXE File, so while they are changable there is a fixed number of ships that can be made available to the siulator.

Lastly, without the changed Standoff code allowing for additional ships there is a (30 or 60, I can't remember which) limit to the number of SPAWNABLE ships. Some ships will never need to be spawned - for example, capital ships. Meaning that this is a false limit as well - you're limited to (30 or 60) spawnable fighters/corvettes, which is more then enough to accomodate any mod, and then an unlimited number of capital ships or non-spawnable fighter craft/corvettes.

There are some other engine limitations that affect the number of ships though - for example, I think there is an 18 ship autopilot limit. You can't autopilot with more then 18 ships in your flight or the game will crash. And there WAS a limit to the number of ships you could have on the screen at the time, but HCL managed to beat that out with a Patch and any mod incorporating the High Res patch should have this patch applied.

(Side Note: That's the high res patch, not the New Starfields Patch. I'm working on integrating the Starfields Patch into mods [this path includes the High Res Patch, so I'm assuming it also includes the increased ship limit at Nav's] I have no idea if I can make it work yet.)

So there really aren't any limits to how many ships you have in the mod as long as you don't spawn more then 30 or 60 of them.

Jay Bird...You just won't see them in the mod. Doesn't mean there destroyed or truckin around space :) ..There just not going to be mentioned or seen, and if they are mentioned it will be information that we now is concrete. Do we know when these wormholes open?

The Proxima Wormhole opens at the end of 2681, it's the Wormhole that gets "captured" in the end of Secret Ops. The Sirius wormhole is unclear. Sirius also gets shut down at some point - the TCS Port Broughton is stranded on the other side and manages to come back by jumping the Charybdis Quaser. There are two things I've sourced to place this "early" on my timeline:

1) The Port Broughton served in Epsilon when it was abandoned (2694) so it's certanly before that.
2) Prior to 2691, when the war expanded to Epsilon Sector, the only major advances by the Nephilim were in Vega Sector and "the home worlds" or "home planets". This strongly implies that this advanced was before 2691 as it's the only threat that really affects the "home worlds" or "home planets".

My belief from the above information is that during the first 10 years of the war there were two major Nephilim Pushes into Human Space that we can point to:

1) The First is the Vega Offensives. This strike operates from the Valgard wormhole opened at the end of WCSO (Source: WCSO Fiction) and moves through Kilrathi space for five or six systems until it reaches Dakota. Then from Dakota you can trace a near straight line to Proxima along with a string of Nephilim Wins/Confederation defeats that appear in other random references in Star*Soldier, culminating in a "Bloody Battle" at McAuliffe and a savage thrashing of Xanadu. My supposition is that this string of battles occured first - an attempt to recapture the Proxima Gate, was turned aside following a savage battle at McAuliffe and the Thrashing of Xanadu occured as a "Revenge Act". As the Bugs were now denied this wormhole for operations in Vega and Sol they opened a new one starting the...
2). ..Sirius Offensive. My supposition is that this is the SECOND offensive, after the first offensive failed to accomplish it's objectives. This is also the likely cause of the Battle of Sirius, which was probably a Confederation offensive to shut down the wormhole gate - this was likely a Confederation Victory, as we know there were raids going through the Sirius gate (Said raids caused the temporary "loss" of the TCS Port Broughton for 18 months) and that the Sirius gate was eventually shut down. It seems likely too this was sometime around 2686, when the Port Broughton was "Rushed" into service, possibly to help capture the gate.

These two offensives are likely coupled with severe offensives in the Kilrathi Side of things, as it seems likely from design documentation and the WCP game that the Nephilim came to punish the Kilrathi as well. At the end of WCSO there were three gates opened - yet all of them were in Kilrathi Space. I believe the Nephilim wanted to clean up the Kilrathi before moving on to the Terrans, and there was likely a lull period at the start of the war before heavy war with the Nephilim began - followed by a quick ramp up during the Vega Offensive, and then things kicked off from there.