Sequel to prophecy. When, where, how?


Hmm, I woke up this morning and thought 'wait a minute, wth is the sequel to prophecy!' In fact I haven't seen any mainstream action by origin towards the wing commander series since Prophecy Gold. Have they given up on the franchise? The profits can't of been high but damnit make the game just for me if for noone else. I begin to tire of buying games such as starlancer and FS2 only to be dissapointed as their storyline pales in comparison to the superior wing commander series. Sigh, please someone put my mind at rest. Any more sequels planned? Now where did I put that prozac......
Hi! Unfortunately, for the time being the only sequel to Prophecy we're going to see is the Secret Ops 'addon', released back in 1998. Although Origin did make a nice profit off of Prophecy (try saying that three times fast -- no, don't reply the way you're thinking), they've decided to focus on their multiplayer Ultima franchise for now.
Since when does Ultima even begin to compare in style and excitement to the wing commander series?

Sigh I'll probably get flamed by those Ultima diehards now, but frankly, I want more WC. Hopefully, in 2045 when they realise the sequel the alien race will be a bit tougher. I mean come on, a single ship (albeit a pretty damn big one) managed to trash their invading fleet, some super race. Hehe. O dear now I'm gonna get flamed by diehard prophecy fans, damn I can't win. Also anyone know of FS3? I was starting to enjoy it when the shivans started to wipe out the galaxy then... it ended. Sigh
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We're all diehard WC fans here, Prowler, so you're quite safe
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Well, I said that about Ultima a while back and then got flamed, sorta. Anyway the bugs were only superior in numbers, not flying skill. That's why the Midway and its pilots trashed 'em. Okay, Casey and no one else trashed 'em.
Hehe... I think they should take out all ships above the Piranha, and make you guys fly in that start to finish through endless waves of Mantas. :)
How exciting. Someone said the Pirhana loadout is crazy, even an arrow would outgun it. I guess that's the price of speed and manoeuvrability.
In the end, I think the Piranha could take the Arrow anyday. The Arrow has thinner shields and armor, as well as inferior armament. But that's because it's an older model. In any case, you could set the difficulty to Ungodly (Disclaimer - That difficulty level does not exist), and the Piranha could still take a gimpy Arrow.
Remember the Arrow can salvo its missiles. With a load of Imrecs I'm confident a well flown Arrow could give a Piranha a run for its money. Besides the armament's not all that different - Piranha's got same guns except for the Stormfire & 2 less missiles.
Actually, I really liked the Piranha, and I am pretty disappointed they didn`t use them in SO.
The Piranha has one major advantage over the arrow - It can ram into it without receiving any damage. ;)
Heh, good one. Isn't this the point where Anagram tells us how good an Arrow is compared to everything else?
Actually the arrow kicks quite a large amount of ass if you're good in a light fighter (Which personally, I am)

Yeah, what the heck, go for it. That's the point of this place isn't it? This could be my last post, anywaym, before my exams which start in a week's time. Have fun, guys!
Wedge009: Make your own luck.
You might find this handy. The WCM theme that plays on Hadrian's 19meg movie file is really uplifting :cool:

[Edited by Penguin on 11-15-2000 at 23:54]
That's one of the reasons I've been trying to find that movie since my HD crashed few months ago.:) But seing all those cool WC2 fighters in 3D definetly doesn't hurt.
Heh, I'm back, and five days to go. Can't keep a pilot away from his fighter, can you?

A pity there's no way I could get away with a 19MB download though.