(Preaching ensues)
On the whole, there are many games I really couldn't care less about. Warez just doesn't apply to them in my mind. I'm not going to list examples because I'll be flamed.
But there are two things I'll never Warez.
Anything Rogue Software makes. (They need money!!!)
And anything Wing Commander.
Firstly, a good 60% of why I buy the game is so I can get the manuals and the boxes. I have every box and manual from every Wing Commander game ever released, save for Privateer and Armada, which I couldn't afford until they were released on CD. (And thus, had the manuals in PDF format.)
Why would anybody want to steal a WC game? In the case of Kilrathi Saga, I understand. It's gone. I don't condone, but I understand.
Every copy of Prophecy Gold that sells now... it's a message to Origin that people still care.
Any time anybody goes to the SecretOps website and registers, it lets Origin know that people still care.
Anytime a new Source code release project is sent... Origin knows that people still care. They won't do it, but they know.
Why would anybody want to steal something they love, when they know damn well that they're hurting their chances of getting more?