next class of carriers?


If there was a sequal to wing commander prophecy what would the next class of carriers be? everyone share your input on this imagine what the next class of super carriers would look like and what type of fighters would they have?
next class of carriers

I think the next class of carriers will be huge and sort of incorporate the midways designs but be cloakable and these will carry the top of the line fighters such as the excaliburs and the dragons plus new fighters
Cloak doesnt work in P time. The next class of carriers will be a new light carrier class since Confed doesn't have any ships to fill this role. They will carry a moderate amount of fighters, have decent weapons/armor/shields and will be specifically anti-bug designed
So the Midway was less capable as a carrier that the Vesuvius class and now ConFed is making a super carrier to use old fighters?
Excaliburs are second line fighters and the Dragons (if any still are used) are far too expensive to build.
Also the Midway was a ship that could be more useful in peace time that a fleet carrier, if there was a sequel it(if placed in the next years) would only be either a Vesuvius class carrier or a Midway class.
Re: next class of carriers

Not only does the cloak not work at the Prophecy time like other guys mentioned... the idea of a ship the size of a carrier carrying a cloaking device is radicolous.

Napoleon, Confed technicly has a new class of light carriers. The Hades class, although a cruiser, can carry up to 30 fighters is very fast, and could fill the role of light carriers.
I agree with EW about the Hades. However, I believe a next generation of cloaking device would be developed at some point along the line. Who said this CANT be done???

However, the energy required to cloak something as big as the Midway is rediculous. It would better serve to be on fighters.

I believe a carrier/dreadnought would be developed against the bugs. A Midway with an updated plasma gun?
I think the next class of carrier will have a fighter carrying capacity greater than the Confederation class but the strength and offensive capabilities of the Plunkett or less so the Hades.

Just think, a destroyer gets close enough to find the carrier and thinks victory is at hand but all of a sudden, BOOM! the carrier opens fire and wastes it.
First, Both the Midway and the Vesuvius have a lot more fighters that the old Confederation class, second the offensive capabilities of a carrier its always the fighters that it have, putting the big guns of a Plunkett would be a waste (it too espensive and takes too long to build a Carrier to go into slug fights with other ships, it a Plunkett lose a fight, it easier and cheaper to make another cruiser that a new carrier), It a carrier not a dreadnought.
Also have you see the Vesuvius specs?
Im never said the Confederation had more fighters than the Vesuvius or the Midway. But the lower number would be a trade off for the added weapons. IF they managed to combine the two successfully it would double its offensive capabilities.
First off, we HAVE a sequel to WCP...Secret Ops.

Second, if a further game is released, continuing the WCP/WCSO storyline, I would have to think that the centerpoint would be ships of the MIDWAY-class, the HADES-class, or a combination of the two. These vessels are just coming online -- why replace them in a game that likely would be takeing place within mere months, at most a year, of the previous ones?
Well with the luck of Wing Commander carriers the Midway wouldnt be around, and the game would probably be onboard another new carrier designed specifically against the bugs.
I would like to advise the good Professor that if SO was considered a sequel to WCP, then should SM1 and SM2 be considered sequels to WC? I think the answer is no.

SO is merely an add on. It doesn't even have the plot lines that were so richly developed in SM1 and SM2, therefore cannot be considered a sequel is in Origin's eyes, the Secret Missions were considered add on expansions.
Building a new Carrier would take some time (LOAF say 5 years and I have no problem with that time frame), and both the Midway and the Hades class are being under constrution for quite some time, a new carrier will not show up out of thin air.
The Bengal, Ranger, Concordia and Confederation class are not new at the time that we are assigned to those ships, the Midway and Hades class are brand new (its both maiden voyage), so unless ConFed was working on a new Carrier Class (they are not by the sound of the WC P manual) at the time that both the Midway and Hades started to being worked on, the only remaming class is the Vesuvius.
Confed just got the news that a major threat is on its way with the potential to wipe out everything. I think new designs are on the way. What makes you so sure it wont be 5 or more years before the bugs make their full assault?
The Hades might qualify as a light carrier, but I guess what I really meant was a carrier with abilities between that of the Midway and the Hades. Like maybe 80-150 fighters/bombers, with good defensive capabilities. I say give it enough anti-fighter and anti-torpedo turrets so that most of the fighters can all be sent out on an attack (thus maximizing combat effectiveness) while not leaving the carrier undefended. Just a thought.
So why does not ConFed build a Death Star, with 10000 fighter over 100000 anti matter guns and over 1000000000 gun turrets?
And why not a galaxy destroyer with over 10 million heavy plasma guns with a super anti reality gun?
I belive that this was a serius debate about ships, not fantasy.
Since I am wrong, I will not bother posting real reasons that a new carrier class in the new WC game is highly unlikely if its passed a year after SO.
You know...

I love it how people rail against WCSO being a seperate game, when a) it doesn't require WCP to operate, b) while it's a continuation of the WCP storyline, it is a seperate storyline that can stand without WCP even considered (much like, say, WC2, which even idiots haven't claimed is just an add-on to WC1), and c) the WCSO plot that people claim isn't there compares favorably, in terms of quantity and quality, to the plotline of WC1, which more than a few people have said was a good game.

Of course, you (generic "you") are free to think what you want. Much like thinking the sky is pink with blue polkadots, though, thinking WCSO is an add-on doesn't make it so.
Originally posted by redwolf
I would like to advise the good Professor that if SO was considered a sequel to WCP, then should SM1 and SM2 be considered sequels to WC? I think the answer is no.

SO is merely an add on. It doesn't even have the plot lines that were so richly developed in SM1 and SM2, therefore cannot be considered a sequel is in Origin's eyes, the Secret Missions were considered add on expansions.
This argument has gone on time and time again in the WC newsgroup. In a nutshell, WCSO may not be a true sequel, though that would be debateable. However, it is NOT an add-on. By definition, an add-on requires the parent game in order to operate (such as SM1/2 requiring WCI, and SpO1/2 requiring WCII to run).

There could also be some debate as to your contention that WCSO has little plot development, but that's another matter entirely. Point being, while WCSO may not be a sequel per se, it is most certainly not "considered add on expansions".
Originally posted by Supdon3
Confed just got the news that a major threat is on its way with the potential to wipe out everything. I think new designs are on the way.
Why? The MIDWAY and HADES are brand-spankin' new. The MIDWAY-class alone is planned as 10 strong.