New 3D Thread


Rear Admiral
I'm going to start this thread independent of the 3D printing thread, if that's ok. Easier to post updates for folks who don't give a rip about the physical models!

I've started re-texturing and re-detailing the re-designed fighters, and I'll keep the updates posted here.

Hope I'm not boring you guys with more spaceships. :)


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I would love to know how well these models would perform in a game engine I.e. free space...
Hey now! The only thing preventing these babies from coming out fully "painted" is uploading them to the right full color 3d printer! (I recommend, but I've also purchased full color models from

So, um...please?
I love the detail on the Salthi and Dralthi, they look menacing! All the renders look like they are real life plastic moulds of toy ships :)
Glad you guys like them! I've started a new Tiger's Claw model. I had to spend some time blocking this one out, wanted to make sure the hangar deck was the correct size and that everything would fit. The factory is on full blast, more pics as she nears completion!

Corvette shaped hull thingy for scale, and a new people mover. I tried to strike a balance between the Bioforge/SWC shuttle and the WC3/4 Shuttle, with some of my existing Marine dropship thrown in.

I'm especially proud of the design work on the launch bay (note the side bays). More soon!

Edit: It's also collapsable into the non-strike, shorter Bengal class variant, possibly a TCS Bengal or Wolfhound conversion in the future.

Edit Edit: More detail coming in!


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Some placeholder procedural textures & colors while I continue to greeble.


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Textures are coming along, starting on the hangar bay.


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Hmm...I'm starting to really like this a lot. My only comment would be "needs more green", and perhaps some of the thin blue striping we see on the flight deck in the WC1 cutscenes. Other than that, I think its a very nice blend of the WC1 and SWC designs.
I very like the design. Is not that useless big open landing bay. A little bit like Lars does it on his Harrier Class. And I think its enough green. Take a look at Saga. The ships have grey metal and some blue parts but not too much. Is the one corvette a new one or another version of the Venture? Looking forward to its finish.
While I like the design in general I still get the impression that it is kinda small.
Maybe its that the towers are much smaller or when I look at the image with the fighter in it, it makes me think about how they manage to store them.
Its all scifi and stuff so no need to worry about capacity but still I find it to look small. Maybe make the main body a bit wider or the top and bottom structures bigger?
Here is a very rough photoshoping of what I mean.


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Thanks guys, the new Claw scales to about 640 meters, a little smaller than cannon, and the air wing is similarly reduced to about 50-60 spacecraft. Why, you ask? Well, it's easier for me to detail a smaller landing bay, and I wanted a little more intimate feel to the old girl as I progress into some animations. I'm shooting for a semi-stylized look, not so much photo realism but a bit more cartoony.

She's also picked up a Lulgalbanda-Class Destroyer Escort (132.3 m), just a quick lunch project. Kind of inspired by the WC3/4 cruiser, but a lot smaller.

Not sure what use a destroyer escort would do, but she's bigger than a corvette, and smaller than a destroyer, so there you go.


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Looks a little bit different then Sagas Savannah Class.


But nice to see a new class :)

Bigger as a corvette and smaller as a destroyer is in fleets a frigate ;)

I would like to see how a Exeter Class would be look like.
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Thanks guys, the new Claw scales to about 640 meters, a little smaller than cannon, and the air wing is similarly reduced to about 50-60 spacecraft. Why, you ask? Well, it's easier for me to detail a smaller landing bay, and I wanted a little more intimate feel to the old girl as I progress into some animations.
That explains a lot. When designin my Claw I was going pretty much the other way in changeing the ship to have enough space to fit in all the fighters, crew and other stuff. Still working on it. Your showcasing made me go back to the model. ^_^

As for the new design. I like that one a lot. A bit to much grabble for me but thats just a matter of taste. Its still a very good idea to have such a ship to fill the gap between the destroyer like the Exceter and the Venture corvette.
The similaritys to the Savannah is a good thing to me. Like the Savannah is based on this one.

Will you do more caps or will you first start with animations?
Thanks guys, I whipped up a quick Fralthi to blow up (and capture) Based on John Douglass' awesome physical models. This one, and this one, in particular. He's very talented, I'd have cut myself open and bled out if I tried any of this shipbuilding in real life.

I nixed the warp nacelle looking things because, well, giant guns.

You can see how they could fit some fighters in there, but definitely not the ideal carrier. (Disclaimer, my kilrathi fighters are a bit smaller than cannon)

This one might wind up as some kind of destroyer some day, I really like the alien-ness of it.


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