
so the Nephilum have interpersonal weapons, and not stuff that's naturally part of their body? (if that makes any sense)
Originally posted by Wildshot
However, why do insectoid species from outer space have to be similar to insectoid species on Earth. Why should they be structured in hives just because they have an exoskeleten. Why can't they have mommies and daddies instead of mommy and...... you know......

Mommy and... lots of Daddies?

Heh - "Who's yuor daddy!" :p

Originally posted by Dralthi5
Why not? I'd like to see an alien that's totally off the wall, not a big cat, bird, or bug, or a guy with some goofy-lookin' prosthetics on his face.

The Cyberdaemons in Doom were original.
How about some kind of life form that virtually looks like a Nebula.
Originally posted by akashra
The Cyberdaemons in Doom were original.
How about some kind of life form that virtually looks like a Nebula.

Agreed on the Doom monsters, they were cool (except the Pain Elemental), but please, no creatures made of gas, pure energy or anything else without a 'real' body. Always thought of them as the most ridiculous aliens (and it reminds me of that awful Voyager episode, where they fly inside a nebula which is in truth a lifeform and then they 'heal' it from the damage they have done, uark)
You know what stupid FPS creatures are great? Those one eyed pug dogs in Half-Life.

I want to have a WC game where you fight actual fish in space. Where the enemy fighters are actually big living fish-things.
Originally posted by Meson
Of course, they have weapons. Wing Commander isn't Starship Troopers.

In the novel the Arachnids had lasers.

No, they would be like whales or something.
Originally posted by Meson
Of course, they have weapons. Wing Commander isn't Starship Troopers.

Don't go insinuating that Verhovan's shitty movie compares to Heinleins brilliant novel.
Originally posted by LeHah

Don't go insinuating that Verhovan's shitty movie compares to Heinleins brilliant novel.

You are quite right LeHah, Heinlein was the most brilliant science fiction writer ever (except for maybe Asimov). And Starship troopers was a typical heinlein book as well as typical of good science fiction, meaning that it explored new political and new social ideas. The war was only a backdrop for him to show one style of government/society that could be done. While this government/society is pretty inconsistant with many of his ideas that were portrayed in the Future history series (with lazarus long, who is quoted in my sig), they were still the primary reasons for writing the story.